
SB 1229 - This act requires health carriers to provide health insurance to persons under the age of 21 for the diagnosis and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Under the act, a carrier shall not deny or refuse to issue coverage or refuse to renew a health benefit plan on an individual solely because the individual is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Coverage for applied behavior analysis is subject to $50,000 maximum benefit. The $50,000 limitation shall be adjusted for inflation by the director of the Department of Insurance. Payments for the treatment of health conditions unrelated to the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder shall not be applied to $50,000 maximum benefit limitation. The act also requires the Department of Health and Senior Services to establish standards to be utilized by health benefit plans for the credentialing of autism service providers. The provisions of this act shall not apply to health benefit plans offered solely to individuals or through small employers.


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