
SB 831 – This act modifies certain calculations used in determining aid to school districts under the elementary and secondary school funding formula. Current law provides that current operating expenditures shall include, in part, any increases in state funding subsequent to fiscal year 2005, not to exceed 5%, per recalculation, of state revenue, received by a district in the 2004-2005 school year. This act removes the 5% limit on increases in state funding per recalculation.

This act defines "Gifted Education Pupil Count," as the number of students who qualify as "gifted" under Section 162.675 and who are enrolled in a school district's gifted education program on the last Wednesday in January for the preceding school year.

This act modifies the definition of "weighted average daily attendance." Currently, the definition is computed, in part, by adding the average daily attendance plus the product of .25 multiplied by the free and reduced lunch pupil count that exceeds the free and reduced lunch threshold. This act changes the multiplier from .25 to 1.5 and also adds the product of .20 multiplied by the number of the district's gifted education pupil count to the previous calculation.

This act contains provisions similar to SB 625 (2007).


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