Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Co-Sponsored by Senator Days
SB 203
Adds young adult provisions to the Missouri Consolidated Health Care plan
SB 277
Allows small employers to obtain medical coverage through the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan
SB 292
Eliminates the death penalty
SB 293
Prohibits discrimination based upon a person's sexual orientation
SB 303
Creates a commission to study the death penalty and imposes a temporary moratorium on executions in Missouri
SB 325
Restricts firearm possession for individuals involved in domestic violence
SB 343
Changes the laws regarding job development programs administered by the Department of Economic Development
SB 369
Mandates inpatient insurance coverage for mastectomies and reconstructive surgeries
SB 370
Prohibits homeowner insurers from cancelling or nonrenewing policies based upon claim inquiries
SB 379
Sets standards for emergency care for rape victims
SB 417
Extends voting rights to a student curator or governing board member of various higher education institutions
SB 472
Modifies advanced voting and privacy of persons applying to vote by advanced ballot
SB 504
Creates the office of Inspector General within the Office of Administration
SB 505
Creates penalties for imposing certain fees by a credit card issuer
SB 506
Providees consumer protection for computerized personal information
SB 525
Requires health benefit plans to provide coverage for diagnostic testing services for chronic kidney disease patients
SB 528
Establishes the Missouri Universal Health Assurance Program
Encourages legislative support of increasing physical education programs in our public schools
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