SB 472 - This act replaces the term "absentee voting" with "advance voting". Any person may cast an advance ballot. Currently, a person must have a specified reason for casting an absentee ballot. The act repeals the current advanced voting system which requires the secretary of state to implement a plan for advanced voting for the fourteen days leading up to an election. The act authorizes any person to vote in person at the central voting location of the election authority within six weeks of the election or at a satellite site established by the election authority within two weeks of the election. The secretary of state is authorized to establish procedures for requesting an advance voting ballot by mail. The act also authorizes overseas voters to cast advance voting ballots in federal elections even if such persons are eligible to register to vote in Missouri. The act provides that the names and addresses of persons applying to vote by advanced ballot shall be confidential. Currently, such names and addresses may be made available to the candidates and campaign committees. The act makes it a Class Four election offense to knowingly disclose such confidential information. The provisions of this act become effective on January 1, 2006. JIM ERTLE