SB 372 - This act provides for various measures relating to bicycle safety and the duties owed to bicyclists by motorists. DESIGNATED BICYCLE LANES - This act prohibits blocking or obstructing a designated bicycle lane with a parked or standing motor vehicle or other stationary object. The act establishes standards for motorists crossing bicycle lanes. The act defines a designated bicycle lane as a portion of the roadway or highway which has been designated by the governing body having jurisdiction over the roadway by striping, signing and pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicycles. (Section 300.330). AVOIDING COLLISION WITH A BICYCLIST OR PEDESTRIAN - Under this act, when passing a bicyclist or pedestrian, a motorist is required to leave a safe distance, not less than three feet, between the motor vehicle and the bicycle. Failure to comply with this provision is an infraction unless an accident occurs (Class C misdemeanor)(Section 300.411 and Section 304.678). DEFINITION OF BICYCLE - This act modifies the definition of bicycle to include vehicles propelled by human power having two parallel wheels and one forward or rear wheel, all of which are more than 14" in diameter (Section 307.180). RIDING ON SHOULDERS - This act provides that bicycles operating at less than the posted speed limit or slower than the flow of traffic may be operated on the shoulder adjacent to the roadway. (Section 307.191). BIKE HAND SIGNALS - This act provides that a bike rider shall signal in the same manner as other vehicles except that the rider does not have to continuously signal by hand and arm if the hand is needed for the control or operation of the bicycle (Section 307.192). STEPHEN WITTE