
SB 386 – This act provides for the Joint Committee on Wagering and Gaming to solicit competitive bids from state universities for a comprehensive study of pathological or problem gambling in this state. After bidding is closed, the Committee shall choose the best and lowest bid based on the academic and professional qualifications of the research team and the ability of the team to deliver the best data.

The study must focus on a review of existing policies regarding the prevention and treatment of pathological and problem gambling and formulate changes to these policies. The study must include information on the economic impact of pathological or serious problem gambling on the state and political subdivisions; how much money an individual pathological gambler costs society each year; the relationship between crime and gambling; the economic impact of gambling on other businesses; the demographics of pathological gamblers; and the costs and effectiveness of state and federal gambling regulatory policy.

The study director shall hold hearings, administer oaths, take testimony, receive evidence and subpoena witnesses and production of documents. The act directs the university to complete the study and file a report by January 31, 2008, and requires the General Assembly to appropriate up to $200,000 for the study.

The act limits the number of gambling boat licenses which may be issued to eleven until such time as the university submits its report to the governor and the general assembly.

This act is similar to SB 926 (2004).


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