SB 1
Amends various provisions of workers' compensation law
SB 2
Modifies laws relating to abortion
SB 3
Allows the full amount of adoption tax credites to be issued regardless of whether the adoption is an in-state or out-of-state adoption
SB 4
Repeals voting a straight party ticket
SB 5
Ensures adequate electric service to areas to be annexed
SB 6
Establishes the Missouri Alternative and Renewable Energy Technology Commission
SB 7
Modifies various provisions relating to lead poisoning
SB 8
Creates the "Children's Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council"
SB 9
Amends the offense of distributing a controlled substance near schools to include long-term and child care facilities
SB 10
Requires pseudoephedrine products to be sold by a pharmacist or technician
SB 11
Certain state employees' compensation would automatically adjust according to the consumer price index level
SB 12
Exempts motorcyclists age 21 and older from wearing a helmet when operating a motorcycle or motortricycle
SB 13
Authorizes tax check-off for contributions to Missouri Military Family Relief Fund
SB 14
Recognizes "registered nurse first assistants" and authorizes the Board of Nursing to certify such practitioners
SB 15
Provides a tax credit for modifying a home for a disabled person
SB 16
Eliminates mandatory minimum sentencing for certain felons
SB 17
Allows defendants to assert legal or equitable defenses, setoffs, or counterclaims in unlawful detainer actions
SB 18
Exempts military pensions from state income tax
SB 19
Renames both Missouri Western State College and Missouri Southern State University-Joplin
SB 20
Creates a tax credit for teachers' related out-of-pocket expenses
SB 21
Modifies laws of adoption and creates the "Putative Father Registry" fund
SB 22
Changes motor vehicle emission requirements
SB 23
Creates criminal use of property by operating audiovisual recording devices while in a movie
SB 24
Places an expiration date on $10 court fee imposed on most cases in Franklin County
SB 25
Renames "Southwest Missouri State University" as "Missouri State University"
SB 26
Increases the resource limits for public assistance eligibility for single and married persons
SB 27
Creates new requirements when selling pseudoephedrine products at pharmacies
SB 28
Modifies language regarding anti-kickback penalties and certain pharmaceutical companies and establishes the "Well-Being committee" to aid pharmacies
SB 29
Prohibits conditional granting of permits or licenses upon billboard removal without just compensation
SB 30
Makes the installation of airbags that do not meet federal safety standards a Class D felony
SB 31
Allows the Department of Transportation to construct toll roads under certain conditions
SB 32
Regulates sexually oriented businesses
SB 33
Alters provisions of the administrative law judges (ALJ) retirement system
SB 34
Amends the definition of employer and employment as it pertains to unemployment compensation
SB 36
Increases the number of voting members on the governing board of Missouri Southern State University-Joplin
SB 37
Modifies various provisions concerning alcohol related offenses
SB 38
Adds highway designations within Newton and Jasper County
SB 39
Closes the drug benefit coverage gap that was created due to the enactment of the Medicare Act of 2003
SB 40
Prohibits any governmental entity from interfering with the right to obtain or use contraceptives
SB 41
Creates the crime of negligent storage of a firearm
SB 42
Modifies provisions regarding early childhood special education
SB 43
Modifies laws regarding the use of credit scores by insurance companies
SB 44
Creates a tax deduction for organ donation
SB 45
Certain appointees must serve 75% of a term in order to qualify for Administrative Law Judge retirement system benefits
SB 46
Prohibits the Department of Natural Resources from requiring that public water system reports be mailed to customers
SB 47
Modifies the state sales tax holiday law
SB 48
Freezes tuition rates from the time Missouri undergraduates enter college until they graduate
SB 49
Prohibits immunizations containing mercury preservatives after January 1, 2007
SB 50
Requires proof of U.S. citizenship when registering to vote
SB 51
Changes the penalty for offenses concerning unauthorized recordings
SB 52
Prohibits recovery of noneconomic damages for injuries incurred during certain motor vehicle violations
SB 53
Requires appointment of St. Louis City circuit clerk
SB 54
Repeals the option of voting a straight party ticket
SB 55
Makes information collected in the course of an insurance compliance audit privileged information
SB 56
Amends and reinstates the waste tire fee
SB 57
Exempts certain employees from holding a title insurance license
SB 58
Modifies recording fees and their use
SB 59
Prohibits use of genetic information and testing for insurance purposes
SB 60
Increases the foster care reimbursement and the adoption subsidy rates over a four-year period
SB 61
Specifies that sales at prison stores are subject to tax
SB 62
Protects hand fishing
SB 63
Exempts pension and retirement income of seniors from state income tax
SB 64
Creates the Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Quality Assurance Act
SB 65
Allows courts to order convicted persons to pay costs associated with prostitution-related arrests
SB 66
Establishes a tuition grant program for children of deceased military members
SB 67
Changes the definition of "prostitution-related offense"
SB 68
Creates a sales tax exemption for certain college athletic events
SB 69
Authorizes the conveyance of land in Jackson County to Kansas City
SB 70
Modifies the BUILD tax credit program, tax increment financing, the quality jobs program, the local economic development sales tax, and health insurance claims history
SB 71
Changes which state employees may receive paid leave for volunteering as a disaster service volunteer
SB 72
Requires insurance companies to provide coverage for computerized prosthetic devices
SB 73
Allows county law enforcement agencies to have sexual offender registry websites
SB 74
Creates new provisions with respect to the Department of Health and Senior Services
SB 75
Closes the drug benefit coverage gap that was created due to the enactment of the Medicare Act of 2003
SB 76
Imposes additional surcharges and driver's license suspensions on any person failing to yield the right-of-way
SB 77
Makes numerous revisions to the Missouri Transportation Development District Act
SB 78
Denies municipal courts from granting suspended imposition of sentences for certain prior/persistent offenders
SB 79
Increases the gambling boat admission fees
SB 80
Dedicates at least 10% of future TIF increments to schools affected by the TIF
SB 81
Removes the line 1(b) calculation in the school foundation formula
SB 82
Requires applicants for Medicaid and CHIPs to identify the proposed beneficiary's employer
SB 83
Enacts various changes to medical malpractice liability
SB 84
Modifies paperwork requirements in the formation of a new political party
SB 85
Establishes the Classroom Trust Fund
SB 86
Changes the deadline for filing exceptions to a condemnation commissioners' report
SB 87
Prohibits A+ reimbursements from being issued to any four-year institution of higher learning
SB 88
Exempts certain food sales from food inspection laws
SB 89
Allows foster children to receive a tuition and fee waiver to state-funded colleges or universities
SB 90
Authorizes advanced practice nurses to prescribe certain controlled substances
SB 91
Allows certain private vocational, technical schools and certain proprietary schools to receive A+ reimbursements
SB 92
Allows members of the NRA to obtain specialized license plates
SB 93
Creates the crime of endangering a corrections employee
SB 94
Creates the Respect Life license plate and establishes a fund to promote alternatives to abortion
SB 95
Modifies various provisions relating to lead abatement
SB 96
Makes damage to a motor vehicle while breaking in with intent to steal first degree property damage
SB 97
Changes the name of Harris-Stowe State College to Harris-Stowe State University
SB 98
Changes the names of various higher education institutions
SB 99
Modifies the procedure of the Joint Committee on Economic Development policy and planning
SB 100
Revises licensing requirements for speech language pathologists and audiologists
SB 101
Adjusts the motor fuel tax for inflation on an annual basis beginning in 2005
SB 102
Certain school districts shall be reimbursed fully for costs associated with offering certain special educational services
SB 103
Allows school districts to convene a committee of their board in order to rule on pupil residency waiver requests
SB 104
Allows parental rights to be terminated for the domestic murder of a spouse
SB 105
Permits underage culinary students to taste, but not consume, certain alcoholic beverages as required by a curriculum
SB 106
Modifies law regarding residential property insurance
SB 107
The Office of Administration may only contract with telemarketers who operate in the United States
SB 108
Modifies the taxes for community services for children
SB 109
Alters provisions regarding teacher tenure
SB 110
Requires health insurance reimbursement of certain licensed professional counselors at same rate as psychologists
SB 111
Broadens disqualifying misconduct in employment law and allows some individuals to waive the protections of the workers' compensation law for religious reasons
SB 112
Formulates a procedure for recalling school board members
SB 113
Extends powers to civilian review boards that investigate allegations of misconduct by local law enforcement officers
SB 114
Alters the composition of the governing board of Southwest Missouri State University from eight members to ten
SB 115
Alters provisions regarding pupil enrollment hearings
SB 116
Establishes the Classroom Trust Fund
SB 118
Alters provisions regarding teacher termination hearings
SB 119
Revises employment practices relating to gender
SB 120
Establishes the Public Employee Due Process Act
SB 121
Requires safe staffing and quality care in all veterans homes and mental health facilities
SB 122
Creates the Energy Efficiency Implementation Act
SB 123
Modifies provisions relating to corporate stock issuance and sales of corporate assets and allows not-for-profit corporations to apply for reinstatement after forfeiture for failing to file an annual report
SB 124
Provides discretion to the Public Service Commission to permit recovery of costs by electrical corporations
SB 125
Exempts school bus fuel from state sales tax
SB 128
Requires consumers be notified of products containing radio frequency identification tags at the time of purchase
SB 129
Changes the title of the official required to hear employment security cases from "referee" to "administrative appeals judge"
SB 130
Amends the definition of employer and employee as it pertains to workers compensation
SB 131
Allows insurance companies to invest capital, reserves, and surplus in preferred or guaranteed stocks
SB 132
Includes cell-phone users on the state's telemarketing no-call list
SB 133
Requires Office of Administration to include certain products in the cafeteria plan for state employees
SB 134
Allows people to seek injunction or other relief for a code violation for abatement of a nuisance in Kansas City
SB 135
Modifies law with respect to the Missouri Abandoned Housing Act
SB 136
Permits certain school districts a waiver from DESE allowing the district to choose its own accreditation standards
SB 137
Prohibits insurers from owning auto repair shops and prohibits the use of referral fees for using such shops
SB 138
Extends the Kansas City mass transportation sales tax indefinitely
SB 139
Allows neighborhood organizations to bring an action for injuctive relief to stop a nuisance
SB 140
Requires state employees health care plan premiums to be based on the employee's salary
SB 141
Exempts dealers who sell only emergency vehicles from certain dealer licensure requirements
SB 142
Exempts contractors from paying sales taxes on materials used in Department of Transportation projects
SB 143
Extends the pharmacy providers tax
SB 144
Modifies number of judges and commissioners in various judicial circuits
SB 145
Prohibits use of posted inquiries in calculating credit risk scores
SB 146
Allows the Department of Health to investigate complaints of air quality in public schools
SB 147
Allows Missouri Qualified Biodiesel Producer Incentive Fund to be subject to appropriations
SB 148
Modifies the Land Reclamation Act
SB 149
Establishes hearing for restatement and back-pay award
SB 150
Creates the Public Service Accountability Act
SB 151
Prohibits state senators and representatives from receiving state health insurance
SB 152
Creates a trust fund and Commission for Youth Smoking Prevention
SB 153
Modifies the law relating to ombudsman volunteers
SB 154
Modifies the law relating to the establishment of paternity
SB 155
Requires certain identifying information to be expunged by the Division of Family Services
SB 156
Modifies powers of port authorities with respect to property ownership and development
SB 157
Allows money from the County Sheriff's Revolving Fund to be used for necessary expenses associated with concealed carry endorsements
SB 158
Establishes a prescription monitoring program
SB 159
Adds various substances to the controlled substance schedules
SB 160
Prohibits human cloning
SB 161
Establishes the "Founding Documents Protection Act"
SB 162
Removes references to the Committee on Radiation Control from Chapter 192, RSMo
SB 163
Amends various provisions regarding unemployment compensation
SB 164
Prohibits the use of public funds for health and social services programs that subsidize abortion services
SB 165
Changes the procedure for appeal of a Public Service Commission order
SB 166
Requires reporting by employers as to how many of its employees receive publically funded health care benefits
SB 167
Requires privately funded mental health facilities to have the same reporting requirements for patient abuse as state mental health facilities
SB 168
Creates a process to resolve disputes arising out of alleged construction defects in residential property
SB 169
Renews aviation sales tax until 2010
SB 170
Extends the dry cleaning fee until 2012
SB 171
Repeals plank requirement for owners of tractors and other farm equipment
SB 172
Repeals HS/HCS/HB 1433 (2004) authorizing the creation of watershed improvement districts
SB 173
Creates a graduated increase in payments to sheltered workshops and alters bidding preferences for products and services from sheltered workshops
SB 174
Authorizes the state to convey land to the Regional West Fire Protection District
SB 175
Creates a scholarship program for children of deceased veterans
SB 176
Provides for elections in Cole County and the City of Poplar Bluff
SB 177
Modifies a number of provisions regarding professional registration
SB 178
Modifies provisions regarding licensing of podiatrists
SB 179
Allows for utility companies to recover costs through alternate rate plans
SB 180
Makes February 6th of each year "Ronald Reagan Day" in Missouri
SB 181
Designates the New Mississippi River Bridge connecting Missouri to Illinois in downtown St. Louis as the "Ronald Wilson Reagan Memorial Bridge"
SB 182
Requires liquefied petroleum gas dealers to maintain liability insurance
SB 183
Merges the Administrative Law Judge retirement system into the state employees' retirement system
SB 184
Imposes a surcharge on certain felony court proceedings to fund certain school-related programs
SB 185
Establishes the Open Contracting Act for state and local public works projects
SB 186
Establishes the Missouri Electrical Industry Licensing Board and describes their powers and duties
SB 187
Changes the law relating to concentrated animal feeding operations
SB 188
Provides a valuation process for business personal property
SB 189
Extends certain federal reimbursement allowance and requires Medicaid managed care organizations to pay a reimbursement allowance
SB 190
Modifies provisions regarding mortgage broker and loan originators
SB 191
Adds an additional circuit judge to the 17th Judicial Circuit
SB 192
Allows for the disposal of hazardous materials in certain circumstances
SB 193
Enhances responsibility of the Missouri State Park Board
SB 194
Modifies provisions relating to sentencing and crime victims' rights
SB 195
Alters certain property and gaming tax policies and directs resulting revenue to several programs in higher education
SB 196
Modifies sales and use tax exemption eligibility for manufacturing and material recovery plants
SB 197
Prohibits public school athletic teams from participating in athletic tournaments held in municipalities tolerant of marijuana usage
SB 198
Disallows any provider of abortion services from providing sex education to public school students
SB 199
Extends the application deadline for the Korean Conflict medallion to January 1, 2006
SB 200
Prohibits more than 50% of any flood plain from being used for residential, industrial, or commercial use
SB 201
Repeals law setting limits on campaign contributions to candidates for elected office
SB 202
Merges the Administrative Law Judge retirement system into the state employees' retirement system
SB 203
Adds young adult provisions to the Missouri Consolidated Health Care plan
SB 204
Mandates insurance coverage for new phases of clinical trials undertaken for the treatment of cancer
SB 205
Allows franchise fees to be used as credits
SB 206
Allows certain buildings in the City of Springfield to be eligible for tax increment financing
SB 207
Extends the termination date for the sales tax holiday to July 1, 2010
SB 208
Requires the Department of Mental Health to perform a cost benefit analysis before downsizing or closing any of its facilities
SB 209
Designates a portion of Highway 58 in Johnson County as the "Veterans Memorial Parkway"
SB 210
Modifies provisions affecting political subdivisions
SB 211
Extends certain rights with regard to sales commissions
SB 212
Allows commercial casualty insurance policies to exclude coverage for loss by fire caused by terrorism
SB 213
Requires bail bond agents or surety recovery agents to be members in a professional association
SB 214
Each child enrolled in kindergarten, or first grade to receive comprehensive vision examinations
SB 215
Prohibits foreign ATM fees
SB 216
Requires depositions of crime laboratory employees to be in the county where employed
SB 217
Merges the Administrative Law Judge retirement system into the State Employees' retirement system
SB 218
Allows incumbent local exchange companies (ILECs) to be regulated under a price cap
SB 219
Creates an income tax dependency exemption for stillborn children
SB 220
Restores sovereign immunity to Metro and KCATA, provides immunity to state employees for official actions, and removes St. Louis and Kansas City Police Boards from legal defense fund coverage
SB 221
Modifies several provisions of law relating to motor vehicles including primary seat belt enforcement
SB 222
Places various reporting requirements upon manufacturers of tobacco products
SB 223
Modifies provision regarding athletic trainer licensing
SB 224
Creates a tax credit against the private car ad valorem tax
SB 225
Modifies various sections pertaining to hazardous waste
SB 226
Modifies provisions relating to the Medicaid program
SB 227
Designates a portion of state highway M as the "Highway Patrolman Robert Kolilis Memorial Highway"
SB 228
Requires health carriers to reimburse out-of-network chiropractors the same as other out-of-network providers
SB 229
Allows the hiring of a retired teacher to work between 550 and 800 hours without losing their retirement benefits
SB 230
Reallocates a portion of the crime laboratory surcharge to counties and prosecutors
SB 231
Increases the General Assembly's fiscal supervision of public higher education institutions
SB 232
Modifies special motion to dismiss in Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP)
SB 233
Designates certain bridges and highways and requires future highway designations to go through a new process
SB 234
Allows money from the County Sheriff's Revolving Fund to be used for necessary expenses with concealed carry endorsements
SB 235
Allows physicians to jointly negotiate with certain health insurance carriers
SB 236
Provides for cost recovery for course materials for private applicators of pesticide
SB 237
Modifies various telecommunications regulations
SB 238
Requires all revenue derived from a certain sales tax to be deposited in the Community Children's Sales Tax Trust Fund
SB 239
Levies a sales tax on food and hotel rooms in the City of Lamar Heights
SB 240
Modifies numerous provisions regarding lobbying and campaign finance disclosure
SB 241
Repeals requirement that lobbyists report on legislation they are supporting or opposing
SB 242
Requires deputies and associated assistants to the coroner to register with the Missouri Coroners' and Medical Examiners' Association
SB 243
Modifies various provisions dealing with the reporting and investigating of an individual's death
SB 244
Prohibits health carriers from requiring applicants to submit tax information to obtain insurance coverage
SB 245
Creates a partial sales tax exemption for sales of modular units
SB 246
Allows state to issue bonds for grants and loans pursuant to several sections of Article III of the Missouri Constitution
SB 247
Modifies law with respect to professional engineers license plates
SB 248
Creates a tax deduction for elementary and secondary school expenses
SB 250
Allows primary enforcement of seat belt law and modifies law with respect to child passenger restraint
SB 251
Creates a tax credit for contributions to support pregnancy resource centers
SB 252
Creates the Missouri Military Preparedness and Enhancement Commission
SB 253
Modifies law regarding titling and registering motor vehicles and requires school districts to perform criminal background checks on school bus drivers
SB 254
Criminalizes distribution and possession of certain prescription medications on school property
SB 255
Provides a cash benefit to Missouri veterans who died or were wounded while serving in the War on Terror
SB 256
Allows primary enforcement of the seat belt law
SB 257
Authorizes the Cass County Commission to seek a board of election commissioners
SB 258
Allows the Cass and Cooper County Commissions to submit the question of establishing a health center after a majority vote
SB 259
Prohibits the Cass County Commissioner and the County Highway Engineer on the county planning board from voting
SB 260
Designates the presiding commissioner in Cass County as the county budget officer
SB 261
Creates certain requirements for the operation of the Missouri health insurance plan
SB 262
Changes provisions relating to alcohol
SB 263
Makes the election of the Warren County emergency services board during the first yearly municipal election
SB 264
Adds ethanol's byproducts, including but not limited to dry distilled grain, to the list of items exempt from sales and use tax
SB 265
Allows the board of directors of any public water supply district to sell and convey property in certain instances
SB 266
Alters the definition of "teacher" in the teacher tenure act
SB 267
Amends provisions relating to property tax reassessment
SB 268
Authorizes a property tax increase for Missouri history museum subdistricts
SB 269
Amends provisions of the entertainer and athlete tax relating to allocation of funds
SB 270
Modifies the linked deposit program and other duties of the State Treasurer
SB 271
Enacts various measures relating to tort reform
SB 272
Limits amount of revenue collectable from gaming boat admission fees
SB 273
Permits the delivery sale of cigarettes to a consumer under certain circumstances
SB 274
Regulates travel clubs
SB 275
Requires the consolidation of certain state retirement systems
SB 276
Renders several alterations to the state employee retirement system
SB 277
Allows small employers to obtain medical coverage through the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan
SB 278
Authorizes the Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Landscape Architects to seek civil penalties
SB 279
Adds demand drafts to certain transfer and presentment warranties in the Uniform Commercial Code
SB 280
Changes laws regarding cosmetologists and barbers
SB 281
Modifies weight limit for farm vehicles
SB 282
Revises regulation of tax increment financing
SB 283
Allows cities and counties to prohibit concealed firearms in certain recreational facilities
SB 284
Creates the Dairy Herd Development Revolving Fund
SB 285
Certain school districts may resume participation in the career ladder program at the same matching level for which the district qualified during its last year of participation
SB 286
The Coordinating Board shall hold out-of-state public higher education institutions to criteria similar to those required of public in-state higher education institutions
SB 287
Transitions the state away from a tax-rate driven education funding formula to a student-needs based education funding formula
SB 288
Authorizes the Governor to convey land in Nodaway County to the Delta Nu Teke Association
SB 289
Makes a grand jury's duty to examine public buildings and report on their conditions discretionary
SB 290
Allows vehicle owners to register their motor vehicles quadrennially and limits inspections to one time
SB 291
Modifies prevailing wage law
SB 292
Eliminates the death penalty
SB 293
Prohibits discrimination based upon a person's sexual orientation
SB 294
Creates the "Freedom=Choice" license plate and corresponding fund to pay for family planning services
SB 295
Authorizes a tax check-off for contributions to the Missouri Military Family Relief Fund
SB 296
Makes certain students eligible for in-state tuition, regardless of their immigration status
SB 297
Alters the metropolitan school district's procedures with regard to employees subject to removal
SB 298
Alters provisions regarding the superintendent and teachers of the St. Louis public school system
SB 299
Removes school principals from certain sections of the Metropolitan school district's teacher tenure statute
SB 300
Creates the mobile home landlord and tenant rights act
SB 301
Increases the maximum amount of compensation payable to St. Louis police officers
SB 302
Changes the election date for certain St. Louis school board members
SB 303
Creates a commission to study the death penalty and imposes a temporary moratorium on executions in Missouri
SB 304
Changes provisions regarding military leave for Kansas City police officers and civilian employees
SB 305
Authorizes minimum amounts of compensation for certain corrections personnel
SB 306
Raises the amount school board members may accept for performing services for (or selling property to) their district
SB 307
Increases the amount that public officials or employees can accept for services to their political subdivision
SB 308
Allows not-for-profit corporations to apply for reinstatement after forfeiture for failing to file an annual report
SB 309
Makes ownership, possession, and discharge of taser guns an unlawful use of a weapon
SB 310
Amends various provisions relating to withholding of retirement payments for income tax purposes
SB 311
Permits certain utility companies to place their facilities with the rights-of-way on highways
SB 312
Expands the Transportation Commission to include two additional members representing air, mass transit, freight and river interests
SB 313
Modifies law with respect to highway work zones and creates the crime of "endangerment of a highway worker"
SB 314
Modifies the law with respect to the placement and relocation of utility facilities within highway rights-of-ways
SB 315
Extends the sunset date for the licensure of health care facilities to August 28, 2008
SB 316
Modifies provisions of the law relating to ambulatory medical treatment centers
SB 317
Changes provisions regarding the state highway patrol retirement system
SB 318
Modifies compensation for certain employees of the divisions of finance and credit unions
SB 319
Regulates unemployment benefits, the transfer of companies for the purpose of calculating the contribution rate for unemployment, and sets out provisions for alcohol and controlled substance tests
SB 320
Creates lien for nonpayment of rental equipment fees
SB 321
Establishes the Dental Carve-Out Act of 2005 to implement a process of providing dental benefits to public assistance recipients
SB 322
Prohibits adults from allowing minors to drink or failing to stop minors from drinking on their property
SB 323
Establishes the eligibility criteria for grants to umbilical cord blood banks
SB 324
Modifies the Missouri higher education savings program
SB 325
Restricts firearm possession for individuals involved in domestic violence
SB 326
Amends various provisions of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement
SB 327
Makes various changes with respect to the enforcement of commercial motor vehicle laws
SB 329
Prohibits a parent, sibling or child of a statewide elected official from registering as a lobbyist
SB 331
Modifies various provisions relating to delinquent child support payments
SB 332
Authorizes the Governor to convey land in Scott County to Sikeston Acquisition
SB 333
Adopts an air quality program for schools, lays out the procedures and includes reporting provisions
SB 334
Add penalties for employing illegal aliens
SB 335
Allows the Office of Administration to prohibit displays and signs in public areas of the state capitol
SB 336
Allows certain private vocational, technical schools and certain proprietary schools to receive A+ reimbursements
SB 337
Authorizes circuit clerks to retain fee for processing passport applications
SB 338
Modifies provisions relating to the homestead exemption tax credit
SB 339
Removes Department of Revenue branch office language from Section 32.040
SB 340
Authorizes St. Louis to adopt ordinances to use automated traffic control systems
SB 341
Limites certificate of need to only long-term care facilities
SB 342
Authorizes municipal courts to contract with certain entities for probation services
SB 343
Changes the laws regarding job development programs administered by the Department of Economic Development
SB 344
Eliminates the requirement of service of summons in unlawful detainer actions by certified mail
SB 345
Creates provisions for transfer of ownership of a company and the employer's obligation for the unemployment experience
SB 346
Limits paddlesport outfitters liability
SB 347
Modifies education requirements for professional counselors
SB 348
Exempts dentists from acupuncture licensing requirements
SB 349
Makes various changes relating to prevailing wage law
SB 350
Prohibits distribution of controlled substances in parks
SB 351
Provides for a minor to receive a minor in possession if he or she has a detectable blood alcohol content
SB 352
Creates an income tax credit for child care services by a qualified spouse
SB 353
Extends expiration date of the Missouri senior RX program
SB 354
Allows the State Highways Commission to revoke motor carrier registrations under certain circumstances
SB 355
Makes changes in the law relating to agriculture and agricultural products
SB 356
Enhances penalties for chronic and aggravated drunk offenders and creates crime of aggravated vehicular manslaughter
SB 357
Recodification of the Kansas City Police and Civilian Employees' Retirement System
SB 358
Restructures the board of directors for tourism districts and recalculates the dispersion of sales taxes in those districts
SB 359
Provides for price and performance comparisons of health care facilities to be posted on a state website
SB 360
Modifies various tax provisions
SB 361
Allows the City of Excelsior Springs to increase its levy for museum purposes
SB 362
Creates an income tax credit for donations made to residential treatment agencies
SB 363
Includes unborn children within the definition of "children" for eligibility in CHIPs
SB 364
Authorizes the Board of Governors of Southwest Missouri State University to convey land in Howell and Greene County
SB 365
Provides health insurance coverage for phase I and phase II clinical trials for cancer treatment
SB 366
Modifies list of priority designations
SB 367
Changes requirement for payment of overtime hours for nonexempt state employees
SB 368
Provides Medicaid benefits to all cancer patients
SB 369
Mandates inpatient insurance coverage for mastectomies and reconstructive surgeries
SB 370
Prohibits homeowner insurers from cancelling or nonrenewing policies based upon claim inquiries
SB 371
Prohibits gifts from lobbyists to members of the General Assembly and modifies legislator per diem
SB 372
Provides for various measures relating to bicycle safety and the duties owed to bicyclists by motorists
SB 373
Amends provisions dealing with members of the board of directors for the Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance Company
SB 374
Designates a portion of State Highway 370 as the "Officer Scott Armstrong Memorial Highway"
SB 375
A state worker with ten years of service under MOSERS will be credited for all of the years that person served in the military
SB 376
Provides immunity from liability to private contractors working under the direction of the children's division
SB 377
Allows practice of physical therapy on animals with prescription from a veterinarian
SB 378
Allows a person to replace two sets of two stolen license plate tabs per year and prohibits issuance of ticket for stolen tabs
SB 379
Sets standards for emergency care for rape victims
SB 380
Removes the requirement that the chief executive of the urban public library district be a qualified librarian
SB 381
Creates and modifies provisions relating to the use of personal information and identity theft
SB 382
Authorizes the governor to convey the State Health Laboratory in Jefferson City
SB 383
Abolishes the Motorist Insurance Identification Database Act
SB 384
Authorizes an insurer to reserve the right to contest coverage
SB 385
Enacts various measures relating to civil liability and procedure
SB 386
Authorizes the Joint Committee on Wagering and Gaming to solicit bids for a university study of pathological gambling in Missouri
SB 387
Amends provisions relating to the licensing of gambling boats and slot machines
SB 388
Creates an income tax credit for donations made to qualifying residential treatment agencies
SB 389
Creates new election offenses for using wireless electronic recording devices in polling places
SB 390
Allows vehicle dealers to provide disclaimers and disclosures by referring to the Internet and a toll-free number
SB 391
Grants neighborhood organizations in the city of St. Louis standing to file nuisance actions
SB 392
Authorizes the Governor to convey the Midtown Habilitation Center to St. Louis University
SB 393
Prescribes requirements for assisted living residences
SB 394
Repeals law requiring the State Treasurer to maintain a list of financial institutions doing business in Northern Ireland
SB 395
Allows for certain local courts to impose surcharges to establish an Alternative Dispute Resolution program
SB 396
Extends sunset on transfer of jet fuel tax to the aviation trust fund and increases air control tower funding
SB 397
Modifies various aspects of the criminal justice system
SB 398
Requires fee agents to be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate
SB 399
Implements the provisions of the streamlined sales and use tax agreement
SB 400
Allows for the creation of wholesale water and sewer authorities
SB 401
Repeals the three-child limit in police pension systems
SB 402
Modifies laws relating to underage drinking
SB 403
Authorizes professional counselors to diagnose
SB 404
Modifies various court costs
SB 405
Modifies procedure for seeking excuse from or postponement of jury duty
SB 406
Limits the issuance and redemption of economic development tax credits to a percentage of net general revenue
SB 407
Modifies definition of "owner" in beneficiary deeds
SB 408
Allows health carriers to offer one or more health plans which contain deductibles, coinsurance, or other options
SB 409
Requires all health clubs to have at least one automated external defibrillator
SB 410
Provides for the exclusion of assets for purposes of determining eligibility for public assistance
SB 411
Adds people who use wireless cell phones to the telemarketing no call list
SB 412
Establishes the hazardous duty compensation act
SB 413
Limits political subdivisions authority to grant franchises for cable operators
SB 414
Changes provisions relating to townships
SB 415
Allows water companies to contract with sewer providers to terminate service for delinquent accounts
SB 416
Prohibits health insurers from refusing to contract with willing optometrists and ophthalmologists
SB 417
Extends voting rights to a student curator or governing board member of various higher education institutions
SB 418
Exempts misdemeanors for vehicle registration from required judgments paid to the "Crime Victims' Compensation Fund"
SB 419
Provides that certain records maintained in a court concerning alcohol-related driving offenses are confidential
SB 420
Modifies numerous provisions regarding judicial procedures and personnel
SB 421
Requires a verified petition be submitted in order to form a transportation district
SB 422
Requires expunged records to be confidential
SB 423
Creates new provisions and makes modifications to the DNA profiling system
SB 424
Enhances penalties for chronic and aggravated drunk offenders and creates crime of aggravated vehicular manslaughter
SB 425
Modifies provisions relating to passing bad checks
SB 426
Requires the director of the Department of Revenue to expunge certain suspensions from noncommercial driving records
SB 427
Applies preferential treatment to Missouri business bidders in highway bidding process
SB 428
Requires insurance companies to discount insurance premiums by ten percent to senior citizens
SB 429
Creates a one hundred dollar tax credit for canine adoption
SB 430
Amends the definition of gambling device
SB 431
Permits sales tax on food for the City of Independence
SB 432
Keeps animal identification information confidential
SB 433
Established the MO Health Care Stablilization Fund to assist health care providers with excess liability coverage
SB 434
Transfers appeal authority to the administrative hearing commission
SB 435
Enacts various reforms to combat fraudulent real estate practices
SB 436
Allows senior citizens to defer property tax payment
SB 437
Regulates international matchmaking organizations
SB 438
Makes production of meth in the home of a minor child endangerment in the first degree
SB 439
Modifies the statute on endangerment of a child in the second degree
SB 440
Amends provisions for the exemption from sales and use tax of electricity used in manufacturing
SB 441
Established administrative procedure to suspend drivers' and motor vehicle license for failing to pay towing fees
SB 442
Modifies penalties and definitions for the crime of financial exploitation of the elderly and disabled
SB 443
Prohibits title agencies from commingling certain funds and imposes other requirements on title insurers
SB 444
Requires housing contractors to establish escrow accounts to satisfy potential mechanics' liens
SB 445
Increases the fee for a certificate of number when registering watercraft
SB 446
Imposes a four-year ban on certain persons being employed by public four-year higher education institutions
SB 447
Removes the eight-year transfer provision under MOSERS between various state retirement systems
SB 448
Allows sheriffs to agree as to which county's jail will house a defendant after a change of venue
SB 449
Permits an income tax deduction for amount of retirement or pension income taxed by another state
SB 450
Authorizes the Governor to convey various pieces of state property
SB 451
Requires prosecuting attorneys to impanel adult abuse fatality review panels
SB 452
Repeals law prohibiting interested investment and bond counsel firms from involvement in bond issuance
SB 453
Modifies nuisance law
SB 454
Students may receive foreign language credit in public education institutions for sign language classes
SB 455
Makes revisions to laws concerning charter schools
SB 456
Creates new provisions for the interaction of agencies and small business regarding rules
SB 457
Modifies the law relating to ombudsman volunteers
SB 458
Requires pharmacists to fill prescriptions against religious beliefs unless an employer can accommodate a request not to do so
SB 459
Creates a tax deduction for small businesses and farmers that provide health insurance for employees
SB 460
Increases the penalties for those who engage in fraudulant actions with respect to an insurance transaction
SB 461
Modifies provisions about probation and parole officers
SB 462
Modifies acquisition of sewer or water corporations by public utilities
SB 463
Modifies applicabliity of sunshine law to certain non-profit organizations
SB 464
Modifies the duties and powers of the Missouri Penitentiary Redevelopment Commission
SB 465
Modifies law regarding possessed titles, motor vehicle dealer surety bonds, and motor vehicle time sales law
SB 466
Provides temporary retirement and medical incentives for employees currently eligible to retire under MOSERS
SB 467
Modifies sections relating to solid waste
SB 468
Allows for the creation or reorganized common sewer districts
SB 469
Consolidates tax collection in counties having township organization by eliminating township collectors
SB 470
Creates the Missouri Blasting Safety Act
SB 471
Requires the state highway to certify heavy tow truck operators
SB 472
Modifies advanced voting and privacy of persons applying to vote by advanced ballot
SB 473
Provides an inflation increase in the per-pupil amount of state aid for hold-harmless school districts
SB 474
Requires state tax commissioners to be state licensed real estate appraisers
SB 475
Alters the foundation formula by adding a condition to the hold-harmless calculation
SB 476
Modifies authority of Division of Finance over banks and other financial institutions
SB 477
Prevents certain people from receiving a license to conduct gaming activities or operate excursion gambling boats
SB 478
Modifies provisions relating to elections
SB 479
Modifies requirement of financial statement for official of certain political subdivisions
SB 480
Encourages effective involvement by parents and families in support of their children's education
SB 481
Alters policies regarding public school special education services
SB 482
Modifies air contaminant source fees
SB 483
Provides a time frame for addressing non-compliance issues with the Department of Natural Resources
SB 484
Allows fire protection districts to charge people who live outside the district for emergency services provided within the district
SB 485
Allows senior and disabled persons to defer increases in property tax payments
SB 486
Removes the eight-year transfer provision to the judicial retirement system
SB 487
Requires littering offenders to perform community service and assesses two points against litterer's license
SB 488
Exempts salvage vehicles with cosmetic damage from highway patrol examination inspections for purposes of titling
SB 489
Creates requirements for those who sell animals for research purposes only
SB 490
Allows Warrensburg to annex areas along a road up to 2.5 miles from existing boundaries of the city
SB 491
Modifies fee for statewide court automation fund and sets expiration dates for other funds
SB 492
Requires drug testing for contractors and employees working at or near a school
SB 493
Creates licensure requirements for private investigators
SB 494
Modifies provisions concerning exoneration through the use of DNA testing
SB 495
Notification given to a crime victim must utilize the statewide automated crime victim notification system
SB 496
Removes the Corrections Officer Certification Commission's ability to make decisions concerning jailers
SB 497
Transfers Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division of the State Highway Patrol to the Department of Public Safety
SB 498
Amends sales and use tax exemption for aircraft sales to not-for-profit organizations
SB 499
Provides that judgments entered by an associate circuit court which shall constitute a lien
SB 500
Provides for family cost participation in the Part C early intervention system
SB 501
Creates the "Office of Comprehensive Child Mental Health"
SB 502
Authorizes the Governor to convey land to Manchester United Methodist Church in exchange for another parcel of land
SB 503
Provides the opportunity for environmental audits
SB 504
Creates the office of Inspector General within the Office of Administration
SB 505
Creates penalties for imposing certain fees by a credit card issuer
SB 506
Providees consumer protection for computerized personal information
SB 507
Raises from $250 to $1,000 the value of property for which the auditor in certain counties is required to inventory
SB 508
Allows for detachment of territory within water districts prior to new infrastructure development
SB 509
Creates tax credit for a percentage of the adjusted purchase price paid for a qualified equity investment
SB 510
Modifies some indebtedness programs for employers
SB 511
Provides when a prosecution for a misdemeanor, infraction, or felony is commenced
SB 512
Removes language stating that a person commits the crime of tampering with a witness "in an official proceeding"
SB 513
Repeals provisions requiring prosecutors to pay certain court costs
SB 514
Prohibits any action against a state or local public employee for acknowledging God
SB 515
Requires summer school programs be run by the school district in order for the district to double count its summer school attendance
SB 516
Eliminates a provision in Section 99.847 allowing districts to receive reimbursement for emergency services
SB 517
Provides the requirements for seeking a surrogate to make health care decisions when the patient is incapacitated
SB 518
Creates the Assistive Technology Trust Fund for assistive technology
SB 519
Requires expenditures made by the Jackson County Sports Authority for over $5,000 to be competitively bid
SB 520
Requires a person arrested and confined without a warrant be discharged from custody within 48 hours unless charged
SB 521
Expands the membership of the Community Service Commission to include the Lieutenant Governor
SB 522
Provides for an informal dispute resolution for long-term care facilities to contest inspections or complaint investigations
SB 523
Establishes a distant dental hygientist learning program
SB 524
Regulates the licensing of naturopathic physicians
SB 525
Requires health benefit plans to provide coverage for diagnostic testing services for chronic kidney disease patients
SB 526
Establishes a minimum length of time to hold contributions in the Missouri Higher Education Savings Program
SB 527
Requires hospitals to implement a nurse-to-patient ration system
SB 528
Establishes the Missouri Universal Health Assurance Program
SB 529
Amends provisions relating to the assessment and collection of various taxes for telecommunications companies
SB 530
Waives the additional fee for military specialized license plates
SB 531
Authorizes certain non-ABA approved law school graduates and members of the General Assembly to sit for the bar exam
SB 532
Creates the Medical Ownership Program, a medicaid coverage program dealing with managed health savings accounts
SB 533
Additional penalty for persons placed on the employee disqualification list
SB 534
Modifies procedure for replacement of absent municipal judges
SB 535
Creates a sales and use tax exemption for certain items used to fulfill obligations with the federal government
SB 536
Modifies law regarding landlord disposition of tenant property
SB 537
Requires cash bond to be posted in certain landlord and tenant actions
SB 538
Modifies civil procedure requirements for various landlord/tenant actions
SB 539
Modifies provisions in various health care and social services programs
SB 540
Requires amount of taxes paid to another state for property taxes to be added back in income tax calculation
SB 541
Exempts attorneys' fees from calculation in project costs in Jackson County for tax increment financing
SB 542
Prohibits certain convicted criminals from qualifying for public office
SB 543
Places term limits on the county executive and members of the legislature in Jackson County
SB 544
Permits the use of municipal grant funds for parks and recreational purposes
SB 545
Creates the "Quality Jobs Act" for the state of Missouri
SB 546
Creates a sales and use tax refund for certain vehicles
SB 547
Grants courts power to appoint trustees to disburse funds for health care when a patient is in a persistent vegetative state
SB 548
Replaces all state administrative departments' hearings with a new Office of Administration Hearings
SB 549
Prohibits certain relatives of elected officials from registering as a lobbyist or serving as fee agents
SB 550
Creates a tax credit for donations to certain religious and charitable organizations
SB 551
Adds a definition for emergency as it relates to removal of a child from the home
SB 552
Allows the medical malpractice Joint Underwriting Association to issue various types of medical malpractice policies and refund surcharges
SB 553
Includes llamas, alpaca, and buffalo in the definition of livestock
SB 554
Creates licensing for business brokers
SB 555
Provides financial assistance to physically disabled persons for personal care assistance services through eligible vendors
SB 556
Creates the Medicaid Reform Commission
Establishes a joint committee relating to inaugural ceremonies
Expresses the gratitude and support of the Senate to faith-based and community organizations
Recognizing February 14th as Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day in Missouri
Encourages legislative support of increasing physical education programs in our public schools
Comprehensive Cancer Action Plan for Missouri
Supports the negotiations of a Taiwan-United States free trade agreement
Urges Congress to consider establishing the Chiropractic Center for Military Research at Logan College of Chiropractic
Expresses support for Taiwan to have an observer status in the World Health Organization
Opposes restructuring the Social Security Trust Fund
SCR 10
Urges PSC to adopt rules governing the application process telecommunication providers can be certified as "eligible telecomunications carriers"
SCR 11
Designates the month of March 2005 as Irish-American Heritage Month
SCR 12
Urges Congress to establish a domestic energy policy that promotes greater energy efficiency