HB 1808 (Truly Agreed) Certain pension benefits and compensation
Current Bill Summary
- Prepared by Senate Research -

CCS/SS/SCS/HB 1808 - This act makes numerous changes to various retirement systems.

SECTION 50.1175 - Prohibits garnishments and other attachments against County Employees' Retirement Fund benefits, except for benefits subject to withholding for child support orders when member's benefit is in pay status. This provision is similar to SB 821.

SECTION 56.824 - Provides pro-rated benefit for prosecutors with less than 12 years but greater than 8 years of service, similar to Administrative Law Judges.

SECTION 67.210 - Allows political subdivisions to also provide medical coverage for retired employees and dependents and the dependents of deceased employees.

SECTIONS 70.605 - 70.685 - Adds a new benefit program which provides 2.5% non-social security benefit and eliminates 2-year marriage requirement for survivor benefits.

Grants the board authority to conduct its own administrative hearings subject to Chapter 536, RSMo. The act also revises coordination of disability and workers' compensation benefits. These provisions are similar to SB 616.

SECTION 84.160 - New salary schedule matrix effective July 1, 2000, through June 30, 2002, providing 2% for policeman with 0-8 years experience and 4% for 9-30 years of service which may be increased by an additional 3% and 1% respectively (total 5%). These provisions are similar to SB 767.

SECTIONS 86.200 - 86.366 - Revises retirement system statutes clarifying definitions, application of cap and determination of survivor benefit calculation, etc. Travel days and board chair changes. These provisions are similar to HB 1955.

SECTIONS 86.403 - 86.780 - Increased the Kansas City Police retirement benefit formula from 2% to 2.5%. Maximum benefit increased from 60% to 75%.

Cost of living changed from percentage of Consumer Price Index as determined by the board to a maximum of 3%. Remarriage penalty removed and minimum pension of $600 extended. These provisions are similar to SB 1015.

SECTIONS 87.120 - 87.237 - Repeals outdated section and corrects definition.

Minimum benefits for widows and retired firefighters increased from $200 for widows and $350 for retired firefighters to 75% and 100% of poverty level, respectively. (In dollars, $515 and $687). These provisions are identical to SB 922.

SECTION 103.085 - Allows eligible members under the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan to retain health care coverage if they had coverage within either the most recent open enrollment period or 6 months of termination or eligibility for benefits. These provisions are similar to HB 1593.

SECTIONS 104.010 - 104.1090 - Effective July 1, 2000, both Highways and Transportation Retirement System and Missouri State Employees' Retirement System change $15,000 of basic life insurance coverage to one times the annual salary subject to a minimum of $15,000 for both closed and new plan.

Allows retirees to re-elect an option, with spousal consent, upon transferring to YR 2000 plan.

The 1-year marriage requirement is changed to date of death and the time is extended from 6 months to 1 year on renominating a new spouse for survivor benefits (such as a survivor predeceasing the member). Eliminates the 1-year restoration of service provision in the closed plan.

Current members of the General Assembly with less than 3 terms will qualify for 2-term vesting under the new plan.

Clarifies that 104.1090 transfers are only available to active employees under either plan and that persons may not transfer if receiving retirement benefits from the other plan. The above provisions are similar to SB 928 and HB 1764.

SECTION 168.021 - Allows for service credit for teachers who received back-dated certification from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education based on another states' certification.

Members receiving disability benefits shall be considered on normal retirement at age 55 with 25 years of service for purposes of Social Security disability benefit consideration.

SECTIONS 169.070 - 169.075 - Extends the "25 and out" window to 2003. These provisions are similar to SB 755 and HB 1644.

Cost of living effective on January 3rd instead of January 4th for members retiring after July 1, 2000. Cost of living cap is increased from 75% to 80%.

Retirees and beneficiaries retired prior to July 1, 2000, will receive an ad hoc increase in benefits of 3.5%.

SECTION 169.600 - Changes 5-year final average salary period to 3 years. These provisions are similar to SB 817.

Increases benefit formula from 1.45% to 1.5%. Increases both employer and employee contribution from 4.5% to 5%.

Adds "80 and out" provision.

Extends early "25 and out" provisions another 3 years and amends formula accordingly.

Increases supplemental benefit by .4% for members choosing Option 7.

Ad hoc cost of living of 3.4% to members retired prior to July 1, 2000.

SECTION 173.003 - Requires uniform application of compensation, retirement and severance policies and practices of state colleges and universities. (New language)

SECTION 355.561 - Adoption of amendments to articles of a public benefit corporation which is a church or a convention or association of churches.

SECTION 476.687 - Active serving judges who have served for at lest ten years shall receive additional credited service for previous public employment in the state. Procedures for transfer of credited service are outlined.

SECTION 476.690 - Special consultant status for certain retired judges. This provision is identical to SB 642.

SECTION 513.430 - Exempts from attachment or execution a person's right to a state or local deferred compensation account.

This act has an emergency clause.

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