SB 298 Requires a hospital to provide oral and written notice of a patient's outpatient status and the impact of that status on the patient's health insurance coverage
Sponsor: Kraus
LR Number: 1573S.01I Fiscal Notes
Committee: Veterans' Affairs and Health
Last Action: 3/12/2015 - Voted Do Pass S Veterans' Affairs and Health Committee Journal Page:
Title: Calendar Position:
Effective Date: Emergency clause

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Current Bill Summary

SB 298 - This act requires a hospital to provide oral and written notice to a patient of that patient's outpatient status, the billing implications of that status, and the impact of that status on the patient's Medicare, MO HealthNet, and private insurance coverage for the current hospital services, including medications, pharmaceutical supplies, and coverage for subsequent discharge to either a skilled nursing facility or home- and community-based care. The notice shall be provided if: (1) the patient receives onsite services from the hospital for more than 23 consecutive hours; (2) the onsite services received include a hospital bed and meals provided in an area other than the hospital emergency room; and (3) the patient has not been formally admitted as an inpatient to the hospital.

The patient notice must contain specified language and shall be provided orally and in writing. The notice will include disclosure of the cost and ramification of the patient's status and a right of appeal with regards to that status. The written notice will be signed and dated by the patient or the patient's legal representative, as well as by the staff person who communicated the patient's status.

This act contains an emergency clause.

This act is substantially similar to HB 599 (2015) and similar to HB 712 (2015), HCS/HB 712 (2015), and provisions in HCS/SCS/SB 38 (2015).