Bills Awaiting Conference

SB 61 - Keaveny - Enacts various provisions relating to local government
5/13/2011 - Requests to Recede or Grant Conference Calendar--SB 61-Keaveny, with HCS, as amended (Senate requests House recede and pass the bill)
SB 202 - Crowell - Requires authorization for certain labor unions to withhold fees from paychecks to make political contributions
5/13/2011 - Requests to Recede or Grant Conference Calendar--SS for SB 202-Crowell, with HCS, as amended (Senate requests House recede and pass the bill)
SB 323 - Schaefer - Requires the Auditor to conduct a one-time comparative audit of selected state agencies
5/13/2011 - Requests to Recede or Grant Conference Calendar--SCS for SB 323-Schaefer, with HA 1 & HA 3 (Senate requests House recede and pass the bill)