Senate Action for 1/26/2010

SB 577 - Shields - Modifies various provisions relating to ethics
   LR: 3568L.09C    HCS SS#2 SCS SB 577
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee

SB 579 - Shields - Repeals the law currently prohibiting Kansas City police officers from participating in some political activities
   LR: 3169S.02C    SCS SB 579
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee

SB 583 - Champion - Modifies various provisions relating to the regulation of insurance
   LR: 3574L.07T    HCS SCS SB 583
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee

SB 594 - Days - Allows adopted persons eighteen and over to obtain copies of their original birth certificate under certain circumstances
   LR: 3209S.02P    SCS SB 594
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee

SB 600 - Crowell - Requires the Office of Administration to provide senators and representatives with access to the dome of the State Capitol
   LR: 3221S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee

SB 602 - Crowell - Requires drug screening and testing for applicants and recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families benefits
   LR: 3217S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee

SB 607 - Stouffer - Requires drug testing for work-eligible Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) applicants and recipients based upon reasonable suspicion
   LR: 3411S.03C    SCS for SBs 607, 602, 615 & 725
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee

SB 615 - Goodman - Requires drug testing for work-eligible TANF applicants and recipients based upon reasonable suspicion
   LR: 3745S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee

SB 618 - Rupp - Requires health carriers to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders under certain conditions
   LR: 3534L.08C    HCS SS SB 618
1/26/2010 -- Voted Do Pass S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee

SB 621 - Lager - Modifies provisions relating to Digital Cadastral Parcel Mapping
   LR: 3565S.01P    
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee

SB 680 - Crowell - Modifies provisions pertaining to hazardous substance spills and emergencies
   LR: 3222S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Cancelled S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee

SB 685 - Rupp - Authorizes certain regulatory actions against insurance companies operating in hazardous financial conditions and establishes a risk-based capital trend test calculation for testing an insurance company's capital
   LR: 3295S.02P    SCS SB 685
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee

SB 698 - Griesheimer - Requires certain incumbent local exchange telecommunications companies to reduce intrastate switched exchange access rates
   LR: 3189S.04C    SCS SB 698
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Cancelled S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee

SB 705 - Griesheimer - Modifies provisions related to rates charged by natural gas corporations and provisions of Utilicare assistance
   LR: 3860S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee

SB 706 - Rupp - Requires the Department of Insurance to review life insurance producer license examinations if examinations show an overall pass rate of less than 70 percent for first-time examinees
   LR: 3646S.02I    
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee

SB 725 - Rupp - Requires drug screening and testing for TANF applicants and recipients
   LR: 4143S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Health, Mental Health, Seniors and Families Committee

SB 770 - Scott - Modifies the definition of "health benefit plan" and "health carrier" to exclude coverage provided by supplemental insurance policies
   LR: 4349S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Small Business, Insurance and Industry Committee

SB 778 - Pearce - Changes an expiration date on state universities being able to convey land without authorization from the General Assembly and allows the Governor to convey certain state property
   LR: 4404L.06C    HCS#2 SCS SB 778
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee

SB 785 - Schaefer - Requires certain telephone companies to reduce intrastate exchange access fees and dedicates funding in the Universal Service Fund to replace lost revenue
   LR: 4188S.02I    
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Cancelled S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee

SB 827 - Schaefer - Allows for the extension of certain county taxes upon voter approval
   LR: 4707S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- S First Read--SB 827-Schaefer

SB 828 - Schaefer - Provides for the county counselor of Boone County to receive state money for performing duties related to mental health and mental heath facilities
   LR: 4705S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- S First Read--SB 828-Schaefer

SB 829 - Schaefer - Modifies provisions regarding the justice system
   LR: 4708L.08C    HCs SCS SB 829
1/26/2010 -- S First Read--SB 829-Schaefer

SB 830 - Schaefer - Allows Boone County to adopt regulations to control the minimum standards of occupancy for residential units and to develop a program for licensing and inspecting the units
   LR: 4709S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- S First Read--SB 830-Schaefer

SB 831 - Schaefer - Allows counties of the first classification to establish curfews for persons under the age of 17 and makes such violations of such curfews class C misdemeanors
   LR: 4711S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- S First Read--SB 831-Schaefer

SB 832 - Dempsey - Creates the Large Carnivore Act which regulates the possession and care of certain non-native big cats and bears
   LR: 4716S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- S First Read--SB 832-Dempsey

SB 833 - Goodman - Allows corporate board members to consent to certain actions by electronic transmission
   LR: 4689S.01P    
1/26/2010 -- S First Read--SB 833-Goodman

SB 834 - Rupp - Establishes a procedure for the voluntary liquidation and dissolution of domestic stock insurance companies
   LR: 4599S.03T    SCS SB 834
1/26/2010 -- S First Read--SB 834-Rupp

SB 835 - Rupp - Modifies provisions relating to charter schools
   LR: 4710S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- S First Read--SB 835-Rupp and Keaveny

SCR 32 - Crowell - Disapproves the new values for agricultural and horticultural property filed with the Secretary of State's Office on December 21, 2009, by the State Tax Commission
   LR: 4147S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- Bill Combined w/(SCS/SCRs 35 & 32)

SCR 35 - Stouffer - Disapproves the new values for agricultural and horticultural property filed with the Secretary of State's Office on December 21, 2009, by the State Tax Commission
   LR: 4145S.02C    SCS SCRs 35 & 32
1/26/2010 -- SCS Voted Do Pass (w/SCS/SCRs 35 & 32) S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee (4145S.02C)

SCR 36 - Schmitt - Urges Congress to pass a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution
   LR: 3702L.02C    HCS SCR 36
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee

SCR 37 - Schmitt - Urges Missouri's Attorney General to investigate the constitutionality of the Nebraska Compromise to federal health care legislation
   LR: 4408S.01P    
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics Committee

SJR 23 - Ridgeway - Prohibits a political subdivision from receiving state funding if it provides health insurance to its employees through a public health insurance option plan
   LR: 3198S.02I    
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee

SJR 31 - Scott - Proposes a constitutional amendment reaffirming a citizen's right to free expression of religion
   LR: 3472S.01I    
1/26/2010 -- Hearing Conducted S General Laws Committee