Legislative Column for the Week of March 2, 2015

Addressing Sexual Abuse on a Local Level

This has been a very different and somber week in the Missouri Senate, following the death of State Auditor Tom Schweich on February 26. It is with a heavy heart I extend my deepest condolences to the Schweich family. It is devastating to see such a self-less, brilliant and talented individual taken in such a tragic way.

It is clear, by the number of attendees at his funeral, he touched numerous lives through his honesty and integrity. It is a sad time for Missouri. I ask that you keep Tom Schweich and his family in your prayers.

Although it has been a slow week at the Capitol, I was pleased to present Senate Bill 341 to the Seniors, Families and Children Committee. This measure would establish procedures requiring the Children’s Division, upon receiving a report involving a juvenile committing a sexual abuse against another child, to immediately share the report with the applicable local office. The local office will determine whether an investigation is necessary or not.

Currently, there is a gap in the protection offered to our children.  Children’s Division does not investigate or provide family assessments in cases where the alleged perpetrator does not have “care, custody or control” of the abused child because that is the statutory requirement for Children’s Division to act.  The result is that children who are being sexually abused by another juvenile receive a completely different and often inadequate response from the state and law enforcement.

It is essential we protect our youth from sexual predators, not only on a state level, but locally as well. The children of Missouri deserve the opportunity to be free from fear of sexual abuse, and their families must know that we will stop this abuse no matter who the perpetrator is.

This is not a sporadic problem, it is one that I have heard about from constituents all across this senate district and solving it is a top priority for myself and many other children’s advocates from around the state.

Our children are the future of Missouri. We must make every effort to guard and protect their innocence, so every child has the opportunity for a bright and prosperous future.

It is an honor to be your State Senator and my door is always open to your concerns, questions or comments. Please feel free to contact me at (573) 751-2757 or visit my web page at www.senate.mo.gov/riddle.