Legislative Column for March 23, 2015
Another Successful District 8 Day

Shown above, Sen. Kraus in the Senate Chamber with residents who attended the 9th Annual District 8 Day on March 18, 2015
Last week, I was honored to hold the 9th Annual District 8 Day in Jefferson City. Numerous constituents from our area visited the Capitol, took tours of the Governor’s Mansion and the Missouri Supreme Court building, watched the legislative process in action from the Senate gallery and, after lunch, held a question and answer period with me. It is always a privilege to speak directly to those I represent and hear their thoughts.

Turnout for this year’s event was very good, as it has been in years past. I was encouraged to see so many residents eager to engage with their state government and become active in the crafting of public policy.

The history of District 8 Day goes back to my time in the House. The idea was born out of a simple observation:  Throughout the year, dozens of school groups visit the Capitol to see the democratic process in action and become more familiar with state government. That is a great goal. It’s important that we foster civic engagement early in our youth. But, as I thought about it, I realized that’s we should be encouraging that kind of engagement for all citizens.

I’ve always believed that state government should be open to the people. It should be a transparent process with opportunities for the public to voice their opinions. Lawmakers are in the Capitol to serve you, and the best ways we can do that is create open and ongoing dialogues between elected officials and their constituents.

District 8 Days are a way to bring to residents from our area to Capitol, show them how their elected officials are working for them and have the opportunity to speak with me directly about the issues that are most concerning them. I cannot over-emphasize how important last part is. I’ve sponsored several pieces of legislation that came from direct conversations with constituents. Never underestimate your ability to effect change.

I, along with my wife and my staff, always enjoy this annual event. It’s a great chance to see some familiar faces from back home and show them the Capitol and the other beautiful state buildings surrounding downtown Jefferson City. But, these events are more than a fun, education day. They open up government to the people and give them a chance to meet with myself and witness the legislation at work.

While this year’s District 8 Day has come and gone, I strongly urge you to consider attending next year. I firmly feel that we can enact the changes in our government to foster an economically robust and successful state. But, the public also has to remain involved, and understand the issues that could affect them. District 8 Day is a way to do that. I will announce next year’s event in early February. Please consider joining me for a beneficial day that helps us all work together to improve our area and our state.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at any time. We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions, and trying to answer any questions you may have. You can reach us by phone at 573-751-1464, or e-mail at will.kraus@senate.mo.gov.