Legislative Column for the Week of Monday, Feb. 3, 2014
District Days

JEFFERSON CITY — For the eighth straight year, I will host District Days at the Missouri Capitol on March 11 and 12.  I started District Days while in the House to give district residents a chance to experience the Capitol while the Legislature was in session. These yearly events have been very successful, with hundreds of residents visiting over the previous seven years, and as many as 100 in a single year.

District Days are designed so that attendees can maximize their visit. The planned schedule includes tours of local points of interest, including the Capitol building, the Governor’s Mansion and the Missouri Supreme Court building. Attendees will get a chance to view the legislative process in the Senate chamber and usually have time to see some action in the House, as well. During lunch, I will be available to meet personally with attendees and we usually make time for constituents to visit their representatives.

Your Missouri Legislature debates dozens of issues each year, many of which will impact you directly. Understanding the process in a theoretical sense is good, but understanding how the process works by watching it in person will give you a much better perspective. 

Transportation and lunch are at the attendee’s expense. In the past few years, we have pooled resources to get pizza for those who want it, but there is a cafeteria in the Capitol building and local restaurants for those who would like something else. If you prefer not to drive, Amtrak is a good option, but keep in mind that the train arrives late in the morning so you will miss some of the tour. 

District Days are so popular that we have already filled up the March 11 date.  If you are interested in coming down on March 12, we still have plenty of room. We had previously announced in our district survey that no Governor’s Mansion tour would be available on March 12, but a spot opened up on their schedule. So, if you come on March 12, you will get the full experience of the day. Just e-mail me at will.kraus@senate.mo.gov, or call 573-751-1464, to reserve your slot. About a week before your District Day, we will mail or e-mail you an itinerary, a parking map, Amtrak schedule and some other important notes about the event. 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at any time. We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions and trying to answer any questions you may have. You can reach us by phone at 573-751-1464, or e-mail at will.kraus@senate.mo.gov.