For Immediate Release:
July 2, 2014

Contact: Tucker Jobes
(573) 751 - 1480

Senator David Sater's Bill Statement on Governor's Veto of 72-Hour Abortion Waiting Period Bill

JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. David Sater, R-Cassville, issued the following statement regarding the governor's veto of House Bills 1307 & 1313.


“I am deeply disappointed with the governor’s veto of HBs 1307 & 1313. Abortion is a matter of life and death. This is an irreversible and permanent decision, and taking the time to think about the consequences is not unreasonable or a burden. Our state governor decides to be pro-life or pro-choice depending on the next election. Serious elected officials remember that unborn children are not abstractions to play politics with. They are real. They are human beings like you and me, and deserve protection under the law. I firmly believe that most Missourians do not think three days is too much time to decide whether to bring a child into this world.


Rape is a horrible, heinous crime and if I had my way, the perpetrator would have swift and permanent justice. Under current law, the victims of rape can immediately receive medical treatment at a hospital emergency room and cannot be turned away. After a physical examination, the patient is given options of treatment of care, including psychological and physical care, as well as preventative contraception. If the patient forgoes this treatment and becomes pregnant, the current 24-hour waiting period law applies. HBs 1307 & 1313 simply extend that waiting period to 72 hours and in no way changes the existing law allowing a victim to seek medical treatment or contraception. Cases involving sexual assault are extremely serious and sensitive. We must also remember that there have been tens of millions of abortions performed since 1973 that were not the result of sexual assault.


HBs 1307 & 1313 passed with overwhelming majorities in both the Senate and the House, and I am confident my colleagues will again vote in September in support of life.”


HBs 1307 & 1313 passed the Senate 22-9 and the House 111-39 during the recent legislative session and is identical to Senate Bill 519, which Sen. Sater filed.