For Immediate Release: July 24, 2014

Senator Parson and Attorney General Koster Continue to Educate Voters on Farming Rights

Senator Parson and Attorney General Koster discuss farming rights in Springfield with agriculture and business leaders from across the state.

JEFFERSON CITY — Senator Mike Parson, R-Bolivar, recently joined Attorney General Chris Koster in Springfield (7-23) to support Constitutional Amendment 1, a question before voters in the Aug. 5 election dealing with farmers’ rights. Business and agriculture leaders from around the state were also in attendance to support the measure that would guarantee the rights of Missourians to engage in farming and ranching practices.

“It is great to see support from elected leaders like Attorney General Koster and others from around the state who are supporting this important amendment to our state’s constitution,” said Sen. Parson. “I was honored to have been a part of drafting the language of Amendment 1 and to be able to further educate voters about some of the misinformation being spread.” 

Today (7-24), Sen. Parson spoke with dozens of agriculture teachers about the issue during their annual Missouri Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association Conference, also held in Springfield this week. “The biggest myth surrounding Amendment 1 is that it is solely for the benefit of large agribusiness corporations,” said Sen. Parson. “This has no shred of truth and is constantly being repeated by those who oppose the measure.”

To learn more about Amendment 1 and to see a complete list of ballot measures that will appear before voters on Aug. 4 and Nov. 4, you can visit