For Immediate Release: Oct. 10, 102013
Senator Parson Receives 2013 Legislative Award from the Missouri Home Builders Association

JEFFERSON CITY – Senator Mike Parson, R-Bolivar, was recently awarded the 2013 Legislative Award from the Missouri Home Builders Association of St. Louis & Eastern Missouri. The award honors legislative leaders who promote and protect the viability of the building industry and strive to meet the housing needs of Missourians in St. Louis and Eastern Missouri.


Senator Parson and HBA Vice
President Tim Martin during the awards presentation held on Thursday,
Oct. 3, 2013 in St. Louis.

“I am honored to be recognized by such an outstanding organization,” said Sen. Parson. “One of my top priorities in the Missouri Senate is to work for job creation and economic growth, and it is a goal that I will continue to strive for in upcoming legislative sessions.”


The Missouri Home Builders Association of St. Louis and Eastern Missouri highlighted several pieces of legislation that Sen. Parson worked on this year, including House Bill 194, a measure that would have given new home owners a tax break.


“Encouraging hard working Missourians to purchase and own a home for themselves helps our local and state economies,” said Sen. Parson. “Efforts by lawmakers and the Home Builders Association to aid builders, contractors, lenders, realtors and other housing industry professionals play a vital role in keeping Missouri a great place to live, work and raise a family.”


For more information on Sen. Parson’s legislation from the 2013 legislative session, you can visit