For Immediate Release:
Jan. 10, 2013

(573) 751 - 4415
Term Limits Addressed in a Measure filed by Sen. Jamilah Nasheed

JEFFERSON CITY — State Sen. Jamilah Nasheed, D-St. Louis, today (1-10) in the Senate filed Senate Joint Resolution 10, designed to streamline the way a legislator can serve the General Assembly by allowing a lawmaker to serve up to 16 years in either the House or the Senate.

“By serving in both chambers, I can see that some members can develop an expertise,” said Sen. Nasheed. “Watching senior members of the Legislature leave due to term limits and take that expertise with them is difficult at best. We need members with institutional knowledge, as well as new members with fresh ideas, in order to ensure a strong future for Missouri.”

Senate Joint Resolution 10 will limit a legislator’s term of service to 16 years, served in any proportion between the House or the Senate. Currently, a member is capped at four, two-year terms in the House and two, four-year terms in the Senate. Those term limits were originally approved by voters in 1992.

“I can understand that voters want the ability to vote on their representation in the State Capitol,” said Sen. Nasheed. “However, I feel that the exacting limits put on policy makers restricts the greater service and knowledge each member can bring to the table.”

If passed, SJR 10 would have to be approved by Missouri voters in order to be put into effect.

To view this bill, or stay current on any of Sen. Nasheed’s legislative actions, please visit her Missouri Senate website at