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Search returned 10 records.

SB 19Creates provisions relating to expungement
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SB 20Modifies provisions relating to sales taxes for early childhood education
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SB 21Requires the State Board of Education to convene a work group to develop a curriculum framework of instruction on the dehumanization of marginalized groups
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SB 110Designates the week in which January 5 falls each year as "Kappa Alpha Psi Week" in Missouri
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries

SB 113Creates a one-time grant for employers to enhance cybersecurity
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries

SB 173Creates provisions relating to grants for nonprofit organizations at risk for terrorist attacks
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SB 564Modifies provisions relating to fees collected by the Missouri emergency response commission
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SB 660Modifies provisions relating to dissolution of marriage or legal separation and pregnancy status
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SB 661Establishes the Restoring Artistic Protection Act, which provides for the admissibility of evidence of a defendant's creative or artistic expression
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SJR 4Modifies right to collectively bargain
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries