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Search returned 17 records.

SB 91Modifies provisions relating to unlawful possession of firearms
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SB 92Creates provisions relating to the jurisdiction of law enforcement officers
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SB 93Modifies provisions relating to dissolution of marriage or legal separation and pregnancy status
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SB 175Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage for prescription insulin drugs
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SB 176Expands the requirement for children to wear personal flotation devices
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SB 177Requires charter schools to obtain a certificate of need issued by the State Board of Education in order to be eligible to operate
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SB 242Allows campaign funds to be used for eligible childcare costs
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SB 243Requires public institutions of higher education to adopt a policy relating to International Baccalaureate examinations
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SB 474Modifies the retirement allowance multiplier for certain members of the Public School Retirement System of Missouri
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SB 496Authorizes a sales tax exemption for certain hygiene products
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SB 497Modifies provisions relating to drivers' duty to secure child passengers
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SB 539Requires MO HealthNet and health benefit plans providing for maternity benefits to cover a home blood pressure monitoring device and associated services for pregnant and postpartum women
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SB 582Establishes provisions relating to reduction of certain criminal sentences of imprisonment
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SB 679Modifies provisions relating to the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority
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SJR 36Modifies provisions relating to the right to bear arms
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SR 39Makes technical changes to the description of the President Pro Tem of the Senate in Senate Rules 10, 13, and 29
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