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Search returned 5 records.

SB 10Repeals the sunset date on political subdivisions' authority to utilize the design-build method of construction
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries

SB 11Repeals provisions relating to the authority to confer degrees at public institutions of higher education
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries

SB 12Authorizes income tax deductions for educators and first responders
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries

SB 106Repeals wharfage taxes on landings made at certain wharfs
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries

SB 455Authorizes tax credits for child care
Actions | Senate Amendments | House Amendments | Full Bill Text | Summaries