SB 0513 Requires hearing screenings for infants
LR Number:L2012.01I Fiscal Note:2012-01
Committee:Public Health and Welfare
Last Action:03/08/99 - Referred S Public Health & Welfare Committee Journal page:S423
Effective Date:August 28, 1999
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SB 513 - This act requires hearing screenings for infants. After January 1, 2002, every infant born in a Missouri ambulatory surgical center or hospital, before being released, must be given a screening for hearing loss. If an infant is born in any other location, a hearing screening should be given within 3 months of birth. Test results will be reported to parents and the Department of Health. Anyone providing a hearing screening before January 1, 2002 should also report the results to the Department. This requirement will not apply to persons citing religious reasons. The physician should provide educational materials to the parents of infants with hearing loss and the Department should provide equipment and technical support to all facilities implementing this program.

The Department shall monitor and refer infants found to have hearing loss to the contact person with the First Steps Program within the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Such information will be confidential, with exceptions. This act also establishes the "Newborn Hearing Screening Advisory Committee".

All insurance companies specified in the bill will be required to provide coverage for newborn hearing screening, rescreenings, and audiological assessment and amplification. Coverage should also be provided for newborns who are eligible for medical assistance or the children's health program.

This bill is substantially similar to truly agreed to HB 401 (1999).