SB 0561 Sewer, water, electric and gas utilities to provide Braille or large-type billing upon request
01/07/98S First Read S27
01/12/98Referred S Commerce and Environment Committee S53
01/20/98Hearing Conducted S Commerce and Environment
02/03/98SCS Voted Do Pass S Commerce & Environment Committee-
02/09/98Reported From S Commerce & Environment S165
Committee to Floor w/SCS - Consent
03/03/98SCS S adopted S321
03/03/98S Third Read and Passed - Consent S321-322
03/03/98H First Read H410-411
03/04/98H Second Read H417
03/30/98Referred H Utilities Regulation Committee H793
04/02/98Hearing Conducted H Utilities Regulation Committee
04/09/98Voted Do Pass w/HCA 1 H Utilities Regulation
04/16/98Reported Do Pass w/HCA 1 H Utilities Regulation H1092
05/14/98HS H offered (Boucher) (L2475.03S) H1955
05/14/98HA 1 to HS H offered & adopted (Boucher) H1955-1957
05/14/98HA 2 to HS H offered & adopted (Carter) H1957-1958
05/14/98HA 3 to HS H offered & adopted (Boucher) H1959
05/14/98HA 4 to HS H offered & adopted (Mays 50) H1959-1960
05/14/98HA 5 to HS H offered & adopted (Mays 50) H1960-1963
05/14/98HA 6 to HS H offered & adopted (Days 50) H1963-1064
05/14/98HA 7 to HS H offered & adopted (Crump) H1964
05/14/98HA 8 to HS H offered & adopted (Barry) H1964-1965
05/14/98HS, as amended, H adopted H1965
05/14/98Motion to refer to H Budget-Fiscal - H defeated H1965
05/14/98H Third Read and Passed (w/EC) H1966S1402
05/15/98S Calendar S Bills with H Amendments (HS, as amend.)
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