SB 389 - Perfected Summary
- Perfected -

SB 389 - This act removes an option for certain disabled members of the Highways and Transportation Employees and Highway Patrol Retirement System which allowed them, upon reaching normal retirement age, to retire or continue accruing disability benefits.

The act specifies that a member who retires while receiving disability benefits shall receive the greater of the normal annuity or the minimum annuity as if the member had continued employment until normal retirement age and assuming a rate of pay equal to that immediately before the disability.

Persons who were eligible for prior disability benefits before August 28, 1997, would continue to receive benefits under the prior eligibility requirements.

This act also would prohibit retired members of the Highways and Transportation Employees' and Highway Patrol Retirement System from receiving retirement benefits for any subsequent service as an elected or appointed state official or employee in a department covered by MOSERS. This provision applies only to employees first employed after August 28, 1997