[I N T R O D U C E D]





Submitting to the qualified voters of Missouri, an amendment repealing section 30(b) of article IV of the constitution of Missouri relating to the highways and transportation commission, and adopting two new sections in lieu thereof relating to the same subject.


That at the next general election to be held in the state of Missouri, on Tuesday next following the first Monday in November, 1998, or at a special election to be called by the governor for that purpose, there is hereby submitted to the qualified voters of this state, for adoption or rejection, the following amendment to article IV of the Constitution of the State of Missouri:

Section A. Section 30(b), article IV, constitution of Missouri, is repealed and two new sections adopted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 30(b) and 30(d), to read as follows:

Section 30(b). 1. For the purpose of constructing and maintaining an adequate system of connected state highways, all state revenue derived from highway users as an incident to their use or right to use the highways of the state, including all tolls, state license fees and taxes upon motor vehicles, trailers and motor vehicle fuels, and upon, with respect to, or on the privilege of the manufacture, receipt, storage, distribution, sale or use thereof (excepting the sales tax on motor vehicles and trailers, except as hereinafter provided, and all property taxes), less the cost (1) of collection thereof, (2) of maintaining the highway related activities of the highways and transportation commission and department including any workers' compensation and retirement programs, (3) and of administering and enforcing any state motor vehicle laws or traffic regulations, and less refunds and that portion of the fuel tax revenue to be allocated to counties and to cities, towns and villages under section 30(a) of Article IV of this Constitution, shall be credited to the state road fund and stand appropriated without legislative action for the following purposes, and no other:

[First, to the payment of the principal and interest on any outstanding state road bonds.

Second, any balance in excess of the amount necessary to meet the payment of the principal and interest of any state road bonds for the next succeeding twelve months shall be credited to the state road fund and shall be expended under the supervision and direction of the commission for the following purposes:]

(1) To complete and widen or otherwise improve and maintain the state system of free and toll highways heretofore designated and laid out under existing laws;

(2) To reimburse the various counties and other political subdivisions of the state, except incorporated cities and towns, for money expended by them in the construction or acquisition of roads and bridges now or hereafter taken over by the state as permanent parts of the system of state highways, to the extent of the value to the state of such roads and bridges at the time taken over, not exceeding in any case the amount expended by such counties and subdivisions in the construction or acquisition of such roads and bridges, except that the highways and transportation commission may, in its discretion, repay, or agree to repay, any cash advanced by a county or subdivision to expedite state road construction or improvement;

(3) In the discretion of the commission to locate, relocate, establish, acquire, construct and maintain the following:

(a) supplementary state highways and bridges in each county of the state as hereinafter provided;

(b) state highways and bridges in, to and through state parks, public areas and reservations, and state institutions now or hereafter established, and connect the same with the state highways; and also national, state or local parkways, travelways, tourways, with coordinated facilities;

(c) any tunnel or interstate bridge or part thereof, where necessary to connect the state highways of this state with those of other states;

(d) any highway within the state when necessary to comply with any federal law or requirement which is or shall become a condition to the receipt of federal funds;

(e) any highway in any city or town which is found necessary as a continuation of any state or federal highway, or any connection therewith, into and through such city or town; and

(f) additional state highways, bridges and tunnels, outside the corporate limits of cities having a population in excess of one hundred fifty thousand, either in congested traffic areas of the state or where needed to facilitate and expedite the movement of through traffic.

(4) To acquire materials, equipment and buildings necessary for the purposes herein described; and

(5) For such other purposes and contingencies relating and appertaining to the construction and maintenance of such highways and bridges as the highways and transportation commission may deem necessary and proper.

2. One-half of the proceeds from the state sales tax on all motor vehicles, trailers, motorcycles, mopeds and motortricycles shall be dedicated for highway and transportation use and shall be distributed as follows: ten percent to the counties, fifteen percent to the cities, one percent to the state transportation fund, which is hereby created to be used in a manner provided by law and seventy-four percent to the state road fund. The amounts distributed shall be allocated as provided in section 30(a) of this article, to be used for highway and transportation purposes.

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1 of this section, any increase in state license fees and taxes on motor vehicles, trailers, motorcycles, mopeds and motortricycles over and above those in effect upon adoption of this section shall be distributed as follows: ten percent to the counties, fifteen percent to the cities and seventy-five to the state road fund. The amounts distributed shall be allocated as provided in section 30(a) of this article, to be used for highway and transportation purposes.

Section 30(d). 1. The highways and transportation commission is authorized to construct, operate and maintain toll roads and toll bridges within the state and along or across the state boundaries, as provided by law. The commission may also convert existing free highways to toll highways as provided by law.

2. Toll roads and bridges may also be constructed, maintained and operated by a toll road authority, as provided by law.

3. Bonds may be issued by the commission or a toll road authority to finance the design, acquisition and construction of toll roads and bridges. Such bonds shall not constitute a debt or liability of the state of Missouri. Bonds issued by a toll road authority shall not be an obligation of the state highways and transportation commission or the state road fund, or any other agency or toll road authority as provided by law. No general revenue funds of the state may be pledged for, or used to satisfy, any toll facility bonds or any other toll facility costs or expenditures.