This Fiscal Note is not an official copy and should not be quoted or cited.
Fiscal Note - SB 0854 - Revises Midwest Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Comp.
L.R. NO.  2943-01
BILL NO.  Truly Agreed To and Finally Passed SB 854
SUBJECT:  Low-level Radioactive Waste Compact
TYPE:     Original
DATE:     May 9, 1996

                              FISCAL SUMMARY


FUND AFFECTED               FY 1997         FY 1998         FY 1999

None                             $0              $0              $0

Total Estimated
Net Effect on All
State Funds                      $0              $0              $0


FUND AFFECTED               FY 1997         FY 1998         FY 1999

None                             $0              $0              $0

Total Estimated
Net Effect on All
Federal Funds                    $0              $0              $0


FUND AFFECTED               FY 1997         FY 1998         FY 1999

Local Government                 $0              $0              $0

                              FISCAL ANALYSIS


The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) assumes they will continue to
provide staff support to both Missouri's representative to the Midwest
Compact Commission and the Missouri Low-level Radioactive Waste Advisory
Committee with no additional fiscal impact.

FISCAL IMPACT - State Government     FY 1997   FY 1998   FY 1999
                                    (10 Mo.)

                                           0         0         0

FISCAL IMPACT - Local Government     FY 1997   FY 1998   FY 1999
                                    (10 Mo.)

                                           0         0         0


This act revises the Midwest Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact
language.  The Midwest Compact is an interstate compact including the states
of Ohio, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana, and Missouri, authorized under
federal  law to provide for regional management of low-level radioactive
waste.  Low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) is most commonly produced by
commercial nuclear reactor facilities and research facilities and includes
items such as gloves, garments, instruments and equipment used in such

A compact region selects a host state which will establish a  disposal
facility, and waste from non-compact states may be excluded from the
facility.  Ohio generates the most waste of any state in the compact and was
therefore designated to be the host state for the Midwest Compact.  Ohio
recently enacted a set of   revisions to the compact language, and, to become
fully effective, the revisions must be enacted in the same form by all
compact states and approved by Congress.

The act provides that the Ohio facility will be operated for twenty years or
until the 2.25 million cubic foot facility capacity is reached, whichever
comes first.  After the Ohio facility is closed, a new host state will be
designated which will be the state with the next highest rate of generation
of  waste.  The act establishes a Remedial Action Fund to reimburse a state
for remedial expenses and a Long-Term Care Fund in Ohio and succeeding host
states for closure and maintenance of closed  facilities.

All financial obligations for regional disposal of LLRW shall ultimately be
paid by the generators of the waste.  The act establishes deadlines and
penalties for succeeding host states to develop facilities in a timely
fashion.  A state may not withdraw from the Compact if that state has not
fulfilled its obligations.

The act revises the definition of "low-level radioactive waste".  Host states
may accept naturally-occurring and accelerator-produced waste.  The act
provides for judicial review of Compact Commission decisions.

The acts provides for the continued operation of a facility in the event the
Compact is dissolved.  The act provides for dissolution of the Compact if
Congress withdraws its approval.

This legislation is not federally mandated, would not duplicate any other
program and would not require additional capital improvements or rental