



To authorize the conveyance of certain lands by the department of highways and transportation and the department of natural resources in Shannon County and in Jefferson County, with an emergency clause for one section.



Section 1. The department of highways and transportation is authorized to convey certain lands in Shannon County for valuable consideration based upon the appraisal of the property and as agreed to by the parties.

Section 2. The tract of land to be conveyed under section 1 of this act is more particularly described as follows:

All that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 29, Township 30 North, Range 4 West, Shannon County, Missouri, which lies within a width of 100 feet on each side of the following described survey center line of highway now known as Route 19; EXCEPTING therefrom a parcel 100 feet in width lying within 50 feet on each side of the said following described survey center line of Route 19, which is being retained as permanent Right of Way, conveying a total of 2.36 acres of land.

Also, all that part of the East Half of Secti on 32 and all that part of the East Half of the South west Quart er of Secti on 32, all in Towns hip 30 North , Range 4 West, Shann on Count y, Misso uri, which lies withi n a width of 200 feet on each side of the follo wing descr ibed surve y cente r line of highw ay now known as Route 19; EXCEP TING there from a parce l 100 feet in width lying withi n 50 feet on each side of the said follo wing descr ibed surve y cente r line of Route 19, which is being retai ned as perma nent Right of Way, conve ying a total of 39.06 acres of land.

The surve y cente r line of highw ay Route 19, Shann on Count y, is locat ed and descr ibed as follo ws:

Begin ning at a point on the west bound ary of said South west Quart er of the South east Quart er of Secti on 29, dista nt 595 feet, more or less, north of the south west corne r there of at or near Stati on 761+7 5; thenc e from a tange nt beari ng South 49 ø 05' East defle ct to the left on a 9ø 30' curve 175.1 feet; thenc e on tange nt to said curve South 65 ø 43' East 397.8 feet; thenc e defle ct to the right on a 10ø curve 462.5 feet; thenc e on tange nt to said curve South 19ø 28' East 1003. 4 feet; thenc e defle ct to the right on a 4ø curve (delt a angle 14ø 19') 357.9 feet; thenc e on tange nt to said curve South 5ø 09' East 996.9 feet; thenc e defle ct to the right on a 14ø curve (delt a angle 50ø 51') 363.2 feet; thenc e on tange nt to said curve South 45ø 42' West 868 feet; thenc e defle ct to the left on a 3ø 30' curve (delt a angle 54ø 31') 1557. 6 feet; thenc e on tange nt to said curve South 8ø 49' East 518.6 feet to a point on the south bound ary of the South west Quart er of the South east Quart er of said Secti on 32, dista nt 197 feet east of the south west corne r there of, and there termi natin g at or near Stati on 828+7 6.

Secti on 3. The attor ney gener al shall appro ve the form of the conve yance descr ibed in secti ons 1 and 2 of this act.< /b>

Se ction 4. 1. The direc tor of the depar tment of natur al resou rces shall grant and conve y a perma nent easem ent to the conso lidat ed publi c water suppl y distr ict #C-1 of Jeffe rson Count y, Misso uri, to const ruct, opera te, maint ain, add to and use a water line upon certa in lands in Masto don state park. The easem ent shall consi st of a perma nent easem ent throu gh land known as lots 61 & 62, major gener al hanco ck reser ve, lots 51, 52, 54, 55 & 60, Willi am H. Bell' s sulph ur sprin g tract , lot 23 of wood lynn terra ce addit ion, and a part of U.S. Surve y 2021, towns hip 42 north , range s 5 and 6 east, jeffe rson count y, Misso uri.< p> 2. The perma nent easem ent is more parti cular ly descr ibed as follo ws:

Begin ning at a point North 81 degre es 48 minut es 40 secon ds West a dista nce of 3.93 feet from a righ t-of- way marke r locat ed 324.5 1 feet radia lly dista nce Weste rly of Stati on 298 + 64.68 of Inter state Highw ay 55; thenc e North 81 degre es 48 minut es 40 secon ds west a dista nce of 3.93 feet; thenc e North 31 degre es 59 minut es 30 secon ds West a dista nce of 12.46 feet; thenc e North 58 degre es 00 minut es 30 secon ds East a dista nce of 40.00 feet; thenc e South 31 degre es 59 minut es 30 secon ds East a dista nce of 15.00 feet; thenc e South 58 degre es 00 minut es 30 secon ds West a dista nce of 37.00 feet; to the point of begin ning, conta ining 0.014 acres , more or less.

3. The autho rity to conve y the easem ent descr ibed in this secti on is grant ed subje ct to the follo wing provi sions :

(1) The area distu rbed by the const ructi on of the water line shall be adequ ately repai red and resee ded by the water suppl y distr ict; and

(2) The attor ney gener al shall appro ve the instr ument of conve yance .

Secti on A. Becau se immed iate actio n is neces sary in order to prope rly insta ll neede d water suppl y facil ities , secti on 3 of this act is deeme d neces sary for the immed iate prese rvati on of the publi c healt h, welfa re, peace and safet y, and is hereb y decla red to be an emerg ency act withi n the meani ng of the const ituti on, and secti on 3 of this act shall be in full force and effec t upon its passa ge and appro val.< p>< /html >