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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Justin Brown (16)
SB 13
Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage of pharmacy services
SB 14
Creates a provision relating to pesticide labeling requirements
SB 15
Modifies provisions relating to jail reimbursements
SB 107
Modifies provisions relating to peer review committees
SB 108
Modifies provisions relating to telemedicine
SB 109
Establishes the Interstate Dental and Dental Hygienist Licensure Compact
SB 189
Adds vehicles operated by county or municipal park rangers to the definition of "emergency vehicle"
SB 190
Establishes tax credits for certain engineering degrees
SB 477
Modifies provisions relating to state funds for regional planning commissions
SB 513
Modifies provisions relating to the sale of property to satisfy liens on stored property
SB 516
Enacts provisions relating to towing of commercial vehicles
SB 537
Establishes the Missouri Defense and Energy Independence Act
SB 585
Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Revenue
SB 634
Repeals the prohibition on the State Lottery offering games based on the outcome of sporting events
SB 685
Modifies provisions relating to home health agencies
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