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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Nick Schroer
SB 52
Modifies provisions relating public safety
SB 53
Authorizes a tax credit for certain educational expenses
SB 54
Creates provisions relating to cannabis
SB 142
Creates the Anti-Red Flag Gun Seizure Act
SB 143
Modifies provisions relating to public safety
SB 144
Modifies provisions relating to advanced practice registered nurses
SB 220
Modifies provisions relating to income taxes
SB 221
Modifies the standard of review for agency interpretation of statutes, rules, regulations, and subregulatory documents
SB 222
Prohibits educational institutions from mandating COVID-19 vaccines or gene therapy treatments
SB 273
Modifies provisions relating to firearm suppressors
SB 274
Modifies provisions relating to personal property taxes
SB 275
Authorizes a tax credit for certain nuclear remediation activities
SB 318
Modifies provisions relating to offenses involving retail theft
SB 319
Modifies provisions relating to food product labeling
SB 320
Creates new provision relating to joint employers
SB 357
Modifies the definition of "earnable compensation" as used by the Police Retirement System of St. Louis
SB 358
Creates "The Freedom 13 Organization" special license plates
SB 359
Modifies provisions relating to the assessment of personal property
SB 390
Creates a provision relating to a definition of reproductive health care
SB 391
Repeals the expiration date for the Basic Civil Legal Services Fund
SB 392
Establishes the Missouri Statewide Mechanical Contractors Licensing Act
SB 473
Modifies provisions relating to reporting requirements of law enforcement agencies
SB 483
Modifies provisions relating to providing explicit sexual material to a student
SB 484
Requires all elections for local tax increases to be held at a general election
SB 485
Moves school board elections to the November general election
SB 486
Modifies provisions relating to public libraries in charter counties
SB 487
Creates provisions relating to a competitive retail electricity market
SB 493
Removes the expiration date on certain provisions relating to gender transition
SB 494
Repeals a portion of the tax on motor fuel, and specifies an expiration date for the exemption and refund process applicable to that portion
SB 495
Creates provisions relating to reporting requirements of prosecuting attorneys
SB 499
Enacts provisions relating to health care provider participation in health insurance plans
SB 500
Designates "President Donald J Trump Highway" in St. Charles County
SB 505
Creates new process for dismissal of workers' compensation claims
SB 506
Amends Supreme Court Rule 15.05 relating to continuing legal education requirements for lawyers
SB 507
Provides that counties and cities shall not enact, maintain, or enforce certain ordinances relating to landlords and tenants
SB 517
Modifies provisions relating to driver's licenses
SB 531
Modifies the offense of murder in the first degree
SB 538
Modifies the offense of stealing
SB 550
Enacts provisions relating to insurance coverage for mental health treatments
SB 554
Establishes the Biometric Information Privacy Act, which establishes requirements for and a cause of action against private entities in possession of biometric information
SB 574
Provides that school boards and members of school boards are entitled to sovereign and official immunity
SB 575
Modifies provisions relating to criminal offenses, including murder in the first degree and stealing
SB 576
Modifies provisions relating to guardians ad litem
SB 577
Designates "Sergeant Colin I Arslanbas Memorial Highway" in St. Charles County
SB 632
Establishes a cause of action against business for violations of privacy in changing facilities or restrooms
SB 645
Modifies provisions relating to motor vehicle inspections
SB 676
Modifies provisions relating to certain convention and sports facility authorities
SJR 23
Establishes the "Reproductive Health Care Protection Act"
SJR 24
Modifies provisions relating to taxation
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