Regular Session | First Extra Session | Second Extra Session

Bills Sponsored by Senator Jamie Burger

SB 82 Creates provisions relating to water resources
SB 83 Modifies provisions relating to child protection
SB 84 Creates the offense of tampering with an election official
SB 168 Modifies provisions relating to the removal of persons unlawfully occupying property with a residential dwelling through ex parte orders
SB 169 Authorizes Ste. Genevieve and Perry Counties to impose a transient guest tax
SB 170 Modifies provisions relating to money held by the Children's Division for the benefit of a child
SB 238 Modifies provisions relating to expert testimony
SB 239 Creates provisions relating to a post-consumer paint recycling program
SB 240 Modifies provisions relating to state funds for regional planning commissions
SB 289 Modifies provisions relating to estate planning, including notice for principal place of administration transfers, statutes of limitations for actions against trustees, electronic wills, and estate planning during the COVID-19 emergency
SB 290 Modifies the provision regarding the exclusion of attorney's fees for prevailing parties in agency proceedings
SB 508 Creates the Committee on School Safety
SB 557 Establishes the "End Hospital Institutionalization Act"
SB 558 Increases the number of circuit judges in the 32nd Judicial Circuit
SB 559 Provides sovereign immunity for private contractors acting within the scope of a government contract
SB 593 Creates provisions relating to a battery recycling
SB 594 Requires school districts and charter schools to display the Ten Commandments in every building and classroom under their jurisdiction
SB 595 Repeals the 2027 expiration of a provision of law prohibiting students from participating on an athletic team that is designated for the opposite biological sex
SB 654 Creates the "Missouri Student Responsibility and Teacher Empowerment Act" requiring school districts and charter schools to adopt, publicly post, and annually review a code of student conduct
SB 655 Modifies provisions relating to abuse and neglect reporting, including a requirement to report companion animal abuse
SB 703 Creates a new exemption from the earned paid sick time law

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