Regular Session | First Extra Session | Second Extra Session

Bills Sponsored by Senator Mary Elizabeth Coleman

SB 55 Prohibits elementary and secondary schools and institutions of postsecondary education from being members of athletic organizations that allow students to use performance enhancing drugs
SB 56 Prohibits diversity-equity-inclusion requirements in school districts and charter schools
SB 57 Modifies provisions relating to sales tax exemptions
SB 145 Modifies provisions relating to the taxation of certain businesses
SB 146 Eliminates the individual income tax
SB 147 Modifies provisions relating to public safety
SB 223 Establishes provisions relating to student surveys
SB 224 Modifies provisions related to advanced meter installations
SB 225 Modifies provisions relating to jury instructions for the offense of murder in the first degree
SB 276 Creates and modifies provisions relating to access to pornographic materials
SB 277 Modifies provisions relating to the protection of vulnerable persons
SB 278 Modifies provisions relating to the maintenance of voter registration lists
SB 321 Designates portions of the state highway system as "Donald J Trump Highway"
SB 475 Modifies provisions relating to tax credits
SB 571 Modifies provisions relating to child care facility licenses
SB 572 Authorizes parents to choose the school that their children attend
SB 573 Modifies a sales tax exemption for the sale of certain medical devices
SB 689 Modifies provisions relating to inspections of certain long-term care facilities
SJR 25 Establishes provisions relating to reproductive health care
SJR 26 Creates provisions relating to the violation of federal laws

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