SCS/SB 35 - This act establishes the "Revitalizing Missouri Downtowns and Main Streets Act". For all tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2026, this act authorizes a taxpayer to claim a tax credit equal to 25% of qualified conversion expenditures, as defined in the act, or 30% of qualified conversion expenditures with respect to upper floor housing, as described in the act, incurred for converting nonresidential real property from office use to predominantly residential use, which may include retail or other commercial use. Tax credits authorized by the act shall not be refundable, but may be carried back three years or carried forward ten years. Tax credits may also be transferred, sold, or assigned, as described in the act.
The total amount of tax credits authorized pursuant to this act shall not exceed $50 million in any fiscal year. Tax credits authorized for qualified converted buildings of more than 750,000 square feet shall be allocated to the annual limit calculation over a period of six years, provided that certain conditions are met, as described in the act.
Twenty-five percent of the maximum amount of tax credits available to be authorized shall be authorized solely for projects located in a qualified Missouri main street district, as defined in the act. If the total amount of such reserved tax credits have been authorized, projects located in a qualified Missouri main street district may receive tax credits from the remaining unreserved amount of tax credits. If the maximum amount of allowable tax credits is authorized in any given fiscal year, such maximum allowable amount shall be increased by the percentage increase in inflation.
A taxpayer shall apply to the Department of Economic Development to receive tax credits pursuant to this act. Such application shall include proof of ownership or site control, floor plans of the existing structure, architectural plans, and, where applicable, plans of the proposed conversion of the structure, as well as proposed additions, estimated cost of conversion, the anticipated total costs of the project, the actual basis of the property, as shown by proof of actual acquisition costs, the anticipated total labor costs, the estimated project start date, and the estimated project completion date, proof that the property is an eligible property, a copy of all land use and building approvals reasonably necessary for the commencement of the project, and any other information which the Department may reasonably require to review the project for approval.
All taxpayers with applications receiving approval shall submit within 120 days following the award of credits evidence of the capacity of the applicant to finance the costs and expenses for the conversion of the eligible property. All taxpayers with applications receiving approval, excluding projects of more than 750,000 square feet, shall commence conversion within twelve months of the date of issuance of the letter from the Department granting the approval for tax credits.
To claim a tax credit authorized by this act, a taxpayer with approval shall apply for final approval and issuance of tax credits from the Department, which shall determine the final amount of qualified conversion expenditures and whether the completed rehabilitation meets the requirements of the act. The final application shall demonstrate that the taxpayer has substantially converted a qualified converted building; satisfactory evidence of any qualified conversion expenditures for the structure, as determined by the Department; and any other information reasonably requested by the Department.
The Department shall determine, on an annual basis, the overall economic impact to the state from the rehabilitation of eligible property pursuant to this act. No taxpayer shall be issued tax credits for qualified conversion expenditures on a qualified converted building within 27 years of a previous issuance of tax credits pursuant to this act on such qualified converted building.
This act is substantially similar to SB 792 (2024) and to a provision in HCS/HB 1935 (2024).