HCR 1 Convenes a joint session for the State of the State Address
1/8/2025 Offered (H)
1/8/2025 Adopted (H) H15
1/8/2025 Reported to the Senate S69-70
1/22/2025 S adopted S159-160 / H372
1/23/2025 Senate Escort Committee appointed: O'Laughlin, Luektemeyer, Bean, Fitzwater, Hough, Beck, Lewis, Nurrenbern, Roberts, Washington S175 / H397
1/27/2025 House Escort Committee appointed: Van Schoiack, Vernetti, Banderman, Diehl, Violet, Woods, Young, Taylor (84), West, and Fuchs H418 / S190
1/28/2025 Senate Escort Committee change: Senator Burger replace Senator O'Laughlin S210
