SCS/SB 1400 - This act modifies provisions relating to judicial proceedings. BUSINESS RECORDS ENTERED INTO EVIDENCE (Section 490.692) Under current law, certain business records must be notarized in order to be entered into evidence in court. This act repeals those requirements and provides that such records shall not be deemed invalid for the reason that it uses an electronic signature or that it does not include a notarization. Additionally, any affidavit falsely made shall subject the signer to criminal penalties. OFFENSE OF UNLAWFUL POSTING OF CERTAIN INFORMATION (Section 565.240) Under current law, a person commits the offense of unlawful posting of certain information if he or she knowingly posts certain information to cause great bodily harm or death, or threatening to cause harm. This act adds that a person shall also commit such offense if he or she knowingly posts the Social Security number of a person to intimidate or harass such person or obtain financial gain from such person and such offense shall be a class E felony. This act also changes the penalty from a class C misdemeanor to a class E felony if a person causes harm or death of another by posting the name, home address, Social Security number, telephone number, or any other personally identifiable information. This act also changes the penalty from a class E felony to a class D felony if a person threatens harm or death to a law enforcement officer, judge, and other public safety officers and from a class D felony to a class C felony if the person causes harm or death to a law enforcement officer, judge, and other public safety officers. This act is substantially similar to HB 2219 (2024). MARY GRACE PRINGLE