SB 1279
Modifies provisions relating to the requirements of collaborative practice arrangements between physicians and registered professional nurses
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/25/2024 - Second Read and Referred S Governmental Accountability Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2024

Current Bill Summary

SB 1279 - This act provides that collaborative practice arrangements between a collaborating physician and an advanced practice registered nurse ("APRN") shall be exempt from, rather than may have a waiver of, the geographic proximity requirements if the arrangement outlines the use of telehealth. This act further provides that the description of the time and manner in a written collaborative practice arrangement shall include provisions that the APRN shall submit a minimum of 10% of the charts documenting the APRN's delivery of health care services to the collaborating physician for review every thirty days, instead of every fourteen days.

Current law provides that the State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts and the State Board of Nursing may promulgate rules relating to collaborative practice arrangements. This act further provides that any such rules on geographic proximity shall be consistent with and not more restrictive than current law.

Currently, a collaborating physician is responsible for determining and documenting the completion of at least a one-month period of time during which the APRN practices with the collaborating physician continuously present before practicing in a setting where the physician is not continuously present. This act modifies this provision and provides that the collaborating physician is responsible for determining and documenting the completion of at least a one-month period of time during which the collaborating physician shall review 30% of the charts documenting the APRN's delivery of health care services to the collaborating physician for review.



No Amendments Found.