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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Doug Beck
SB 57
Establishes the Entertainment Industry Jobs Act
SB 58
Establishes the Show MO Act
SB 59
Modifies provisions relating to unlawful possession of firearms
SB 142
Modifies provisions relating to firearms
SB 143
Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SB 144
Modifies provisions relating to foreign ownership of agricultural land
SB 212
Requires a surgical smoke plume evacuation policy for hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers
SB 213
Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children
SB 214
Modifies provisions relating to child support for unborn children
SB 267
Prohibits discrimination based on pregnancy
SB 268
Specifies additional circumstances under which a patient shall be granted an exception to a step therapy protocol required by a health carrier for coverage of a prescription drug
SB 269
Enacts provisions relating to cost-sharing under health benefit plans
SB 292
Modifies the liability of employers
SB 293
Prohibits certain covenants not to compete
SB 294
Creates new provisions requiring the waiver of the recovery of overpaid unemployment benefits under certain circumstances
SB 310
Modifies provisions relating to project labor agreements
SB 311
Creates a new occupational disease under workers' compensation to include post-traumatic stress disorder in certain first responders
SB 312
Modifies provisions regarding the safekeeping of personal information
SB 345
Enacts provisions requiring railroad trains or light engines operated in connection with carrying freight to have at least two qualified crew members
SB 422
Creates new provisions relating to educational funding for students being treated at a residential treatment facility
SB 556
Modifies the retirement allowance multiplier for certain members of the Public School Retirement System of Missouri
SB 635
Requires a mechanical insulation energy audit of public buildings
SB 702
Enacts provisions relating to operation of trains carrying hazardous material
SR 390
Modifies Senate Rule 25 regarding testimony of certain public officials before committees of the Senate
Remonstrates against Timothy Farber as chair of the Missouri Commission on Human Rights
HB 715
Establishes provisions relating to educational funding for students being treated at a residential treatment facility
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