Bills assigned to Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions and Ethics


SB 220 Mosley Creates new provisions relating to ethics
SB 238 Koenig Modifies provisions relating to foreign limited liability companies
SB 274 Trent Creates procedures for the appointment of commissioners to a convention called under Article V of the U.S. Constitution
SB 378 Rowden Modifies multiple provisions relating to ethics
SB 602 Coleman Reinstates the Presidential Preference Primary Election
SCR 1 Moon Urges the United States Congress to reinstate mandatory country of origin labeling
SCR 2 Moon Affirms the sovereignty of the people of the state of Missouri in areas protected by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and creates the Joint Committee on the Review of Federal Overreach
SCR 3 Moon Expresses support for actions taken to end motorcycle profiling
SCR 4 Eigel Commends Israel for its cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with Missouri and the United States, supports Israel's right to exist, and recognizes Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel
SCR 5 McCreery Urges the United States Congress to reinstate mandatory country of origin labeling
SCR 6 Arthur Establishes February 24 of each year as "SCN2A Awareness Day" in Missouri
SCR 7 Bernskoetter Creates the America 250 Missouri Commission
SCR 8 Bean Designates Campbell, Missouri, as the Peach Capital of Missouri
SCR 9 Roberts Urges greater awareness and services for the treatment of chronic kidney disease
SCR 10 O'Laughlin Authorizes the statutorily required independent audit of the State Auditor
SCR 11 Schroer Designates every January 8th as Eddie Gaedel Day in Missouri
SCR 12 McCreery Designates the first Tuesday in March each year as "Rivers of Missouri Day"
SCR 13 Hoskins Designates every June 21st as "Make Music Day" in Missouri
SCR 14 Washington Apologizes for the State of Missouri's role in slavery
SCR 15 Trent Urges the U.S. Congress to make permanent the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017
SCR 16 Fitzwater Urges a joint investigation to determine any monetary compensation for contamination from radioactive waste and requests the Missouri Congressional delegation to expand the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act
SCR 17 Eigel Strongly urges the U.S. Congress to propose the State Powers Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
SCR 18 May Urges the Governor to establish an oversight committee to work with the federal government on programs listed under the Justice 40 Initiative
SJR 22 Mosley Modifies provisions relating to the General Assembly
SJR 23 Mosley Modifies term limits for members of the General Assembly
SJR 25 Fitzwater Modifies provisions relating to the General Assembly
SJR 32 Moon Modifies provisions of the Constitution relating to powers of the General Assembly
SJR 37 Cierpiot Repeals restrictions on legislative staff acting, serving, or registering as a lobbyist after legislative employment
SR 348 Schroer Urges the Department of Health and Senior Services to remove barriers to increasing the available number of certified nurse assistants in Missouri
SRM 1 Schroer Remonstrates against Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner
SRM 2 Beck Remonstrates against Timothy Farber as chair of the Missouri Commission on Human Rights
HCR 13 Van Schoiack Creates the America 250 Missouri Commission
HCR 21 Byrnes Urges certain state agencies to conduct a joint investigation regarding effects of human exposure to nuclear waste dumped in Missouri