SB 16
Requires weighted voting in county political party committees |
SB 44
Modifies the process for maintaining voter registration rolls |
SB 96
Modifies provisions relating to voting procedures |
SB 98
Modifies provisions relating to elections |
SB 102
Requires initiative petition circulators to be registered Missouri voters |
SB 113
Repeals requirement that the Joint Committee on Legislative Research hold a public hearing on certified initiative petitions |
SB 148
Modifies provisions relating to street light maintenance districts |
SB 149
Modifies law relating to rejected absentee ballots |
SB 150
Requires the creation of county commission political party committees |
SB 154
Modifies the compensation of court reporters |
SB 180
Authorizes the cities of Clinton and Lincoln to impose a sales tax for public safety |
SB 182
Creates new provisions relating to voting accessibility for persons with disabilities |
SB 202
Modifies provisions relating to local elections |
SB 210
Allows for the curing of incomplete absentee ballot envelopes |
SB 218
Creates new provisions relating to redistricting within political subdivisions |
SB 235
Creates new provisions of law relating to elections |
SB 240
Requires closed primary elections |
SB 271
Modifies provisions relating to reapportionment within political subdivisions |
SB 326
Modifies provisions relating to fire protection |
SB 346
Modifies provisions relating to elections |
SB 350
Creates the Office of Election Crimes and Security |
SB 354
Authorizes certain fire protection districts and ambulance districts to propose a 1.0% sales tax |
SB 365
Modifies provisions relating to venue in guardianship and conservatorship cases and pooled estate accounts established by public administrators |
SB 376
Modifies voting qualifications |
SB 392
Requires closed primary elections |
SB 400
Enacts provisions regarding deed restrictions, covenants, or similar agreements running with the land prohibiting ownership or pasturing of chickens |
SB 412
Authorizes the board of trustees of a consolidated public library district to change the dates of the fiscal year |
SB 463
Creates new provisions relating to the treatment of summary statements prepared by the General Assembly for ballot measures |
SB 478
Requires political subdivisions to submit tax reductions and repeals to the voters when receiving a petition |
SB 479
Requires all elections for local tax increases to be held at a general or primary election |
SB 490
Modifies procedures for getting initiative and referendum petitions on the ballot |
SB 525
Modifies provisions regarding a county commission's authority over a county library board of trustees |
SB 550
Modifies provisions relating to sales taxes |
SB 590
Modifies provisions relating to solid waste disposal area permits |
SB 606
Modifies provisions related to solid waste disposal |
SB 608
Repeals provisions relating to emergency services boards in Jefferson County |
SB 613
Establishes provisions relating to funding of certain activities of public administrators and communication rights of persons subject to guardianships and conservatorships |
SB 626
Modifies residency requirements of employees of St. Louis City |
SB 643
Modifies provisions relating to offenses against employees of election authorities |
SB 658
Creates provisions relating to the accountability of the St. Louis city government |
SB 674
Creates provisions relating to the accountability of the St. Charles county government |
SB 707
Requires candidates for Representative in the United States House of Representatives to be a resident of the district they wish to represent |
SB 712
Preempts certain local ordinances relating to employment law |
SB 723
Modifies provisions relating to voter registration |
Modifies provisions relating to initiative petitions |
Raises the threshold for approving initiative petitions proposing constitutional amendments |
SJR 10
Modifies the initiative petition process |
SJR 12
Creates standard for initiative petitions to meet the single subject requirement |
SJR 13
Requires all county assessors to be elected |
SJR 17
Modifies provisions relating to the legislative process |
SJR 27
Modifies provisions relating to voter qualifications |
SJR 28
Modifies the process for approving constitutional amendments |
SJR 30
Modifies constitutional provisions relating to elections |
SJR 33
Modifies the process for approving constitutional amendments |
SJR 47
Establishes the Stop Socialism Act |
HB 186
Modifies provisions relating to elections for tax-related ballot measures |
HB 345
Modifies a provision relating to special road districts |
HB 400
Modifies provisions relating to notices published by counties |
HB 437
Authorizes the board of trustees of consolidated public library districts to establish the beginning and end dates of fiscal years |
HB 490
Modifies composition of the board of directors of industrial development corporations in certain counties |
HB 589
Modifies provisions relating to earnings taxes |
HB 651
Modifies provisions relating to video service providers |
HB 703
Modifies regulations on the submission and circulation of initiative and referendum petitions |
HB 909
Modifies provisions governing solid waste disposal area permits |
HB 986
Modifies provisions relating to the powers of library boards, disbursements of funds from the state librarian, the fiscal year of consolidated library districts, and circuit court filing surcharges |
HB 1214
Modifies the candidate filing period for certain political subdivbisions |
HJR 43
Modifies the initiative petition process for proposing constitutional amendments |
HJR 66
Modifies election procedures |