HCS/SB 122 - This act defines "health and family education" and requires that the current 1/2 credit hour of health education be renamed as "Health and Family Education" for the 2024-25 school year and all subsequent school years. The act further requires that the State Board of Education convene a work group to develop academic performance standards relating to health and family education. The work group shall include educators, representatives from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and nonprofit organizations with a focus on public health, parenting, and social services. The State Board of Education shall adopt and implement the health and family education performance standards for the 2024-25 school year and each subsequent school year. These provisions are identical to provisions in SS/HB 447, similar to SB 381 (2023) and HB 2916 (2022), and substantially similar to HCS/HB 883 (2023). The act also act provides that a child may be excused from attendance at school if the child is unable to attend school due to mental or behavioral health concerns, provided that the school receives documentation from a mental health professional. This provision is substantially similar to SB 122 (2023). OLIVIA SHANNON