SS/SB 245 - This act modifies provisions relating to the Office of the Public Defender. PUBLIC DEFENDER FUND (Section 600.042) Under current law, any funds available from government grants, private gifts, donations, bequests, or other sources made to the Office of the Public Defender are deposited in the general revenue fund of the state. This act creates the "Public Defender - Federal and Other Fund" in the state treasury and provides that funding from any government grants, private gifts, donations, bequests, or other sources shall be deposited into such fund. This provision is identical to SB 1039 (2022) and to provisions in SCS/HB 2088, et al (2022) and HB 2370 (2022). CASELOAD OF PUBLIC DEFENDERS (Section 600.063) Under current law, a judge can order that a case be placed on a waiting list for defender services if the judge determines the public defender will be unable to provide effective assistance of counsel due to caseload issues. This act repeals that provision. This provision is identical to SB 640 (2023). MARY GRACE PRINGLE