SB 384 - This act modifies provisions relating to the supervision of adult offenders on probation or parole from other states. COST AND EXPENSES OF EXTRADITION (Section 548.241) Under current law, all necessary and proper expenses for the return of a person to Missouri pursuant to the Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Parolees and Probationers shall be paid out of the state treasury. This act repeals this provision and provides that any person being returned to Missouri pursuant to the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision shall be paid out of either the "Missouri State Compact Fund" or out of the state treasury. CONDITIONS OF PROBATION (Section 589.564) Under this act, a circuit court for the jurisdiction in which the probationer is under supervision is authorized to add any condition, upon a petition from the state, to a term of probation for an offender supervised in Missouri for a term of probation ordered by another state. However, the court may not reduce, extend, or revoke a term of probation. Additionally, the Division of Probation and Parole may submit violation reports to the prosecuting attorney or circuit attorney asking the court to add a condition or sanction to a term of supervision. The Division of Probation and Parole does not have the authorization to reduce, extend, or revoke a term of parole. MISSOURI STATE COMPACT FUND (Section 589.565) Under this act, a Missouri probationer or parolee seeking transfer of his or her supervision pursuant to the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision shall pay a $175 fee for each application, unless waived by the compact commissioner for an undue economic burden on the offender. This act establishes the "Missouri State Compact Fund" and all fees collected by the commissioners shall be paid to the Fund. The money from the Fund shall be used for the sole benefit of the Department of Corrections to pay the expenses of the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision. INTERSTATE COMPACT FOR THE SUPERVISION OF PAROLEES (Sections 217.035 to 217.810) This act repeals the provisions of the "Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Parolees and Probation" which permits the Governor to enter into an interstate compact with contracting states to allow people convicted of an offense and placed on probation or released on parole to reside in any other state party to the compact. This act is identical to SB 1023 (2022) and to provisions in SCS/HB 2088, et al (2022) and HCS/SS/SCS/SB 834 (2022) and substantially similar to SB 371 (2021) and similar to SB 1018 (2020). MARY GRACE PRINGLE