SB 148 - This act moves elections for street light maintenance district board members from the November general election to the April general municipal election. The act modifies language to note that the election of new board members shall take place biennially, as is currently provided by law. The act also provides that nominations shall be filed with the election authority, rather than that they may be filed with the secretary of the board. (Section 235.140.1) The act further provides for the April election of board members for seats to which members were previously elected in November of 2018, 2020, and 2022. (Section 235.140.3) This act is identical to SB 797 (2022), similar to HB 1839 (2022), substantially similar to SB 279 (2021), and similar to HB 208 (2021), HB 1627 (2020), HB 1628 (2020), HB 414 (2019), HB 530 (2019), SB 685 (2018), HB 1978 (2018), SB 134 (2017), and to provisions in SCS/HB 353 (2017) and HB 443 (2017). ERIC VANDER WEERD