SB 607 - Beginning January 1, 2024, for purposes of assessing all real and tangible personal property associated with a project that uses solar energy directly to generate electricity, the assessor shall determine the true value in money of such property, provided that all solar energy property with a placard output value of one megawatt or less, and all solar energy property that was built, operating, and generating power prior to August 28, 2023, shall be considered to be de minimis in value. The assessor shall request any documentation necessary to determine the true value in money of such property. The tax liability actually owed for solar energy property with a placard output value of greater than one megawatt shall not exceed $1,750 per megawatt. For projects for which the land associated with such project is reclassified due to the project, the property tax liability incurred from such land shall be included in such limit. (Section 137.077) This act also requires all solar energy property of public utility companies to be assessed upon the county assessor's local tax rolls pursuant to this act. (Section 153.030) JOSH NORBERG