SB 210 - Under current law, if the statement on any absentee ballot envelope has not been completed, the absentee ballot is required to be rejected. Under this act, the election authority is required to notify the voter that the envelope is missing information by all means reasonably calculated to make contact with the voter. The voter must be permitted an opportunity to supply the missing information by visiting the office of the election authority or by completing an affidavit. The Secretary of State is responsible for developing an affidavit form to be used for such purposes. The act expressly prohibits changing any selections made on the ballot contained within the ballot envelope. Only the office of the election authority is permitted to contact voters pursuant to this act. Voters have until the close of polls on election day to supply missing information on the absentee ballot envelope. If a voter fails to supply the missing information prior to that time, the absentee ballot shall be rejected. This act is substantially similar to HB 1184 (2023) and similar to SB 149 (2023), HB 864 (2023), SB 900 (2022), and SB 266 (2021). SCOTT SVAGERA