SB 650 - Under current law, a person can receive credit toward a sentence of imprisonment for all jail time served after conviction and before the commencement of the sentence. This act provides that a person shall receive credit toward a sentence of imprisonment for all jail time served after the offense occurred. The credit shall be based on the certificate of all applicable jail-time credit from the sheriff who delivered the person into confinement in a correctional center. Additionally, the court may award additional credit for time spent in prison after the offense occurred and before the commencement of the sentence when pronouncing the sentence. This act is substantially similar to a provision in the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/HCS/SB 186 (2023), the truly agreed to and finally passed SS/SCS/SBs 189, et al (2023), and SS/SCS/HCS/HB 301 (2023) and substantially similar to a provision in HCS/HB 1133 (2023) and SB 650 (2023). MARY GRACE PRINGLE