SB 408
Creates provisions relating to excavation permits
LR Number:
Last Action:
3/2/2023 - Second Read and Referred S Commerce, Consumer Protection, Energy and the Environment Committee
Journal Page:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2023

Current Bill Summary

SB 408 - This act provides that all political subdivisions shall require an excavation permit to perform excavation work involving directional boring in any residential area. Such permits shall require certain conditions as provided in the act.

Any utilities provider, contractor, or subcontractor who violates any applicable laws or regulations, including striking a utility facility or any shovel strikes to a gas line, shall submit a report of the violation to the political subdivision. Any utilities provider, contractor, or subcontractor who strikes a gas utility shall submit a report of the violation to the political subdivision and pay a fee of $1,000. Such utilities provider, contractor, or subcontractor shall have the excavation permit suspended until the violation has been resolved and the fee is paid.

If a utilities provider, contractor, or subcontractor has three violations within a 90 day period, the excavation permit shall be revoked and no new building or excavation permits shall be issued until certain conditions are met as provided in the act. Additionally, the utilities provider, contractor, or subcontractor shall pay a fee before the permit is reissued.



No Amendments Found.