Missouri Senate
Missouri General Assembly
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Regular Session
First Extra Session
Second Extra Session
Bills Sponsored by Senator Hoskins
SB 642
Establishes the Missouri Video Lottery Control Act
SB 643
Authorizes sports wagering
SB 644
Modifies provisions relating to agricultural tax credits
SB 732
Establishes the Show MO Act
SB 733
Establishes the "Entertainment Industry Jobs Act"
SB 734
Creates provisions related to curricula and instruction in public schools
SB 805
Authorizes tax credits for the production and sale of biodiesel fuel
SB 806
Requires school districts with a certain number of gifted students to establish a state-approved program for such students
SB 807
Modifies provisions relating to corporations
SB 864
Modifies provisions relating to membership on certain state administrative entities
SB 865
Modifies the membership of the Missouri Development Finance Board
SB 866
Extends the sunset of tax credits for agricultural production
SB 904
Modifies provisions relating to professional employer organizations
SB 905
Establishes the Missouri Rural Workforce Development Act
SB 906
Modifies provisions relating to gaming
SB 981
Modifies provisions relating to grants to expand broadband internet access in unserved and underserved areas
SB 1065
Modifies various provisions relating to elections
SB 1066
Modifies provisions relating to the Department of Economic Development
SB 1067
Reduces the net general revenue collection threshold for income tax rate reductions
SB 1068
Establishes the Regulatory Sandbox Act
SB 1069
Creates provisions relating to the use of refrigerants
SB 1091
Modifies provisions relating to rural economic development incentives
SB 1092
Modifies provisions relating to Missouri Works program requirements during certain statewide emergencies
SCR 30
Applies to Congress for the calling of an Article V convention of the states to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution regarding term limits for members of Congress
SJR 32
Amends the Constitution to assert the right to hunt and fish
SR 468
Amends Senate Rule 50
SR 469
Amends Senate Rule 50
SR 496
Adds a new Senate Rule relating to certain Senate employees
HB 1590
Modifies provisions relating to incentives for new businesses
HB 2366
Modifies provisions related to gifted children
HB 2400
Modifies provisions relating to business entities
HB 2587
Modifies provisions relating to business entities
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