SCS/SBs 775, 751, & 640 - This act modifies provisions relating to sexual offenses. WITNESSES IN CASES INVOLVING SEXUAL OFFENSE (Section 491.015) Under current law, in prosecutions related to sexual offenses a witness's prior sexual conduct or specific instances of prior sexual conducts is inadmissible, except in certain instances. This act provides that this evidence is inadmissible at any trial, hearing, or court proceeding and not a subject for inquiry during a deposition or during discovery, except in certain instances. This provision is identical to SB 534 (2021). SEXUAL OFFENDERS (Section 566.150) Under current law, certain offenders shall not knowingly be present in certain areas, such as public parks with playgrounds, public swimming pools, and athletic fields primarily used by children. This act adds that any person found guilty of the offense of possession of child pornography shall not knowingly be present in such areas. These provisions are identical to SB 751 (2022). SEXUAL ASSAULT SURVIVORS BILL OF RIGHTS (Section 595.201) Under current law, sexual assault survivors have rights relating to how a criminal investigation regarding a sexual assault must be conducted. This act provides that sexual assault survivors retain these rights regardless of whether a criminal investigation or prosecution results or regardless if he or she has previously waived any of these rights. A sexual assault survivor, for purposes of this act, is any person who is fourteen years of age or older and who may be a victim of a sexual offense who presents themselves to an appropriate medical provider, law enforcement officer, prosecuting attorney, or court. Under this act, a sexual assault survivor has the right to: • Consult with an employee or volunteer of a rape crisis center; • A sexual assault forensic examination; • A shower and change of clothing; • Request to be examined by an appropriate medical provider or interviewed by a law enforcement officer of the gender of the survivor's choosing, when available; • An interpreter who can communicate in the language of the sexual assault survivor's choice, as reasonably available; • Notification and basic overview of the options of choosing a reported evidentiary collection kit, unreported evidentiary collection kit, and anonymous evidentiary collection kit; • Notification about the evidence tracking system; • Notification about the right to certain information considered a closed record, such as a complete incident report; and • Be free from intimidation, harassment, and abuse in any related criminal or civil proceeding and the right to reasonable protection from the offender. Additionally, this act provides that a survivor must be informed of the survivor's rights by a medical provider, law enforcement officer, and a prosecuting attorney in a timely manner. A document shall be developed by the Department of Public Safety, in collaboration with certain Missouri-based stakeholders, which shall be provided to a sexual assault survivor explaining the survivor's rights. The document shall include: • A description of the rights of the sexual assault survivor pursuant to this act; and • Telephone and internet means for contacting a local rape crisis center. This act repeals duplicate rights found in other provisions of current law. Additionally, this act repeals the requirement that a law enforcement officer shall upon written request provide a free, complete, and unaltered copy of all law enforcement reports concerning the sexual assault within 14 days to the survivor. These provisions are identical to SB 640 (2022). MARY GRACE PRINGLE