SB 14
Modifies provisions governing the form of identification required to vote
LR Number:
Last Action:
1/14/2021 - Second Read and Referred S Local Government and Elections Committee
Journal Page:
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2021

Current Bill Summary

SB 14 - Under current law, any person seeking to vote in a public election must provide a certain form of identification, provided that any person lacking such identification can vote without such a form of identification through the execution of a statement under the penalty of perjury averring, among other things, that the person is who they say they are. This act repeals the provision allowing persons to vote through execution of the statement under penalty of perjury. The act additionally creates new provisions governing the use of provisional ballots in the case of persons who do not possess the proper form of identification in order to vote.

The act repeals a provision requiring the Secretary of State to provide advance notice of the identification requirements for voting in elections as well as a provision requiring all costs associated with the implementation of the voter identification law to be reimbursed from the general revenue by an appropriation for that purpose.

This act is substantially similar to HB 334 (2021), provisions in SCS/HS/HCS/HB 738 (2021), SB 14 (2021), provisions in SCS/SB 282 (2021), provisions in SB 818 (2020), and provisions in HCS/HB 1600 (2020).



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