
SB 330 - This act adopts the Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact.

The Compact allows eligible occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants licensed in member states to practice in other member states, subject to the requirements and limitations described in the Compact.

The Compact establishes procedures for a licensee to apply for a new home state license in a member state of primary residence based on their licensure in another member state. Active-duty military personnel and their spouses shall retain home state licensure during the period of active duty service without having to maintain residency.

Under the Compact, only a home state may take adverse action on the home state license, while remote member states may take adverse action against the licensee's privilege to practice in the remote state. The Compact provides procedures for how member states shall coordinate in various aspects of adverse actions and investigations.

The Compact establishes the Occupational Therapy Compact Commission as a joint public agency to implement and administer the Compact. The Commission may collect an annual assessment on member states or impose fees on other parties to cover its costs.

The Compact creates qualified immunity from suit and liability for agents of the Commission for negligent misconduct within the scope of the agents' work with the Commission. Such agents shall also be entitled to representation and indemnity in civil actions for such misconduct.

Under the Compact, the Commission shall develop a data system containing information on all licensees related to licensure, adverse actions, and investigations. Member states shall report certain information, as described in the Compact, to the Commission for use in the data system.

Legislatures of member states may reject any rule promulgated by the Commission by a majority of such legislatures enacting a statute or resolution.

The Compact provides procedures for oversight, dispute resolution, and enforcement of the Compact, including procedures for default and termination of membership. The Commission may also sue a member state in federal court to enforce compliance with the Compact, its rules, and its bylaws.

The Compact shall become effective upon its enactment in at least ten states.

The Compact supersedes all other laws that conflict with provisions of the Compact to the extent of the conflict.


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